#1216 – James Corbett, Jeff Carter

Part One James Corbett

  • James is celebrating his 17th anniversary hosting the highly respected “The Corbett Report”.
  • All of James’s research is FREE on his website!
  • Jimmy Dore recently featured James’s viral video ‘9/11 in Five Minutes’.
  • James pokes holes throughout the official 9/11 story, highlighting government fraud with humour.
  • How could Americans allow 9/11 plotters go unpunished? How could they let it slide?
  • If you investigate any of the government’s promoted facts, you will discover their fraud.
  • Barrie Zwicker – The Great 911 Conspiracy Watch Here
  • 911-a-conspiracy-theory
  • 911 War Games
  • 9/11 Whistleblowers
  • 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
  • False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
  • The ‘War of Terror’ that ensued after 9/11 was falsely justified by the government drafted story.
  • Are we finally coming out of the shadow of the hysteria 9/11 caused?
  • Countless victims in Afghanistan, Iraq & Syria, not just the lives taken on 9/11.
  • The official government story of 9/11 was crafted based on testimony extracted through torture.
  • History shows us torture only extracts the information that the torturer wants to hear, not the truth.
  • Under torture, ‘terrorist’ confessed to plotting to blow up buildings that didn’t exist at time of arrest.
  • The ‘official’ 9/11 story is as believable as lies about Saddam Hussein & weapons of mass destruction.
  • Fictional ‘The Lone Pilot’ pilot aired on TV months before 9/11, eerily the same terrorist plot.
  • President Eisenhower tried to warn us about the pending takeover of the Military Industrial Complex.
  • Military Industrial Complex financial interests threatened by end of the Cold War, peace & budget cuts.
  • James encourages you to watch his 9/11 War Games documentary to understand military involvement.
  • Over 2 dozen disorganized aviation exercises in varied states of progress hindered response on 9/11.
  • Vigilant Guardian, a massive NORAD exercise, injected fake radar blips on NORAD screens.
  • There was repeated confusion all morning long, not knowing if the radar blips were real threats or not.
  • Phantom 11 having hit the World Trade Centre but still identified by NORAD as flying West.
  • Imagine this feat being pulled off by a man on dialysis, in a cave, halfway across the world?
  • How did Osama Bin Laden know to strike on a day of massive confusion on the Eastern seaboard?
  • Why did Bush & Cheney have to testify together while requesting their testimony be ‘off the record’?
  • Only notes were allowed, then classified from public viewing for 20+ years, before being doctored.
  • The 9/11 attacks were designed by terrorists to be very spectacular, garnering people’s attention.
  • Prof. Graeham MacQueen wrote “The Pentagon’s B Movie” exposing 9/11 connections to Hollywood.
  • Document called Rebuilding America’s Defences put out by The Project for a New American Century.
  • The Project for a New American Century, created in 1997, required a ‘New Pearl Harbor Event’’ Why?
  • Neocons lobbied Clinton to get into war with Iraq, in efforts to advance Israeli’s foreign interest goals.
  • Donald Rumsfeld immediately looking for intel to be able to blame Saddam Hussein & invade Iraq.
  • ‘A Clean Break, A New Strategy For Securing The Realm’ outlines Israel’s need to eliminate Saddam.

    Part Two Jeff Carter starts at 59:28

  • Watch the new Fletcher Prouty Documentary
  • Jeff Carter’s film “Fletcher Prouty’s Cold War” is NOW AVAILABLE on Vimeo on Demand!
  • Video rental will be supplemented by occasional public screenings.
  • Len congratulates Jeff on his fantastic work on this latest project! It’s truly top notch!
  • Premier of ‘Fletcher Prouty’s Cold War’ just happened in August at Victoria, B.C., Canada.
  • Most film attendees were not familiar with Fletcher, or his 23 year military career, outside of JFK film.
  • Nine intriguing years of Fletcher’s 23 year military career was with the Pentagon.
  • Fletcher could back up everything he talked about, he was at these events & gave 1st person testimony.
  • Unlike Bob McNamara, Fletcher didn’t have an axe to grind, providing unbiased & detailed facts.
  • When Fletcher left the Pentagon, he took multiple Department of Defence documents with him.
  • Oliver Stone & Len agree that Fletcher Prouty was akin to today’s Whistleblower Edward Snowden.
  • Prouty tried to even the playing field by disclosing the depths of the NSA’s spying & manipulation.
  • The film basically covers Prouty’s career & activities at the end of WWII as the war winded down.
  • Prouty’s position was shifted & he became a VIP pilot serving the air force.
  • Prouty flew a group of geological survey team into Saudi Arabia where giant oil fields would be.
  • This visit kicked off the relationship between the US & countries in the middle East.
  • Prouty had significant opinions about JFK’s assassination, why & how he was assassinated.
  • Len recalls how in the air force Fletcher was in charge of the Cairo & Tokyo airfields.
  • Prouty flew a group of VIP’s to a major post war political planning event at Tehran in December 1943.
  • Prouty picked up on the vibes that the Allie powers were making steps to end the colonial system.
  • At the end of WWII, Prouty witnessed & participated in the then classified Nazi relocation program.
  • This Nazi relocation program, Operation Paperclip, was facilitated by Dulles & others in the OSS.
  • Prouty had picked up on the deceitfulness by people in lower levels of the power structure.
  • Decisions being made by heads of the allied powers were being rejected & subverted.
  • People are still engaged in the JFK video series ’50 Reasons For 50 Years’.
  • Len is very proud of their ’50 Reasons For 50 Years’ receiving nothing but praise! No criticism!
  • Youtube censored the episode featuring photos of George DeMohrenschildt’s deemed “suicide”.
  • Len & Jeff reminisce about their friendship over the years & the creation of Black Op Radio.
  • Jeff describes his motivation to create ‘Fletcher Prouty’s Cold War’.
  • Download available you can purchase filled with archived material of Fletcher’s. Download Here


#1215 – Les Murzsa – 9/11

Part One the complete Album

  • Music Producer Les Murzsa has put the story of 911 to music in this impressive album.
  • Using real quotes the real story is reavealed and put in proper perspective.
  • A scathing indictment of the Bush administration’s lies behind the 9/11 attacks.
  • 12 song concept album featuring hundreds of quotes from the 9/11 Truth Movement.

    Part Two – Starts @ 39:00 minute mark

  • Interview with Les Murzsa from March 2007
  • Les gives a short self-bio
  • His motivations for this great music creation
  • Song Titles 1) The Justice Squad, 2) The Humanity Of Donald Rumsfeld, 3) Smoke ’em Out
  • 4) Dick Cheney Orders NORAD To Stand Down, 5)PNAC, The Project For A New American Century,
  • 6) The New Pearl Harbour 7) Inside Job, Neo-Cons In Strategic Positions,
  • 8) “There’s A Bomb In The Building” – What The FDNY Were Saying
  • 9) The Explosions Being Reported Before The Controlled Demolitions 10) WTC 7
  • 11) Semper Fi, Semper Fidelity, Always Faithful, 12) Fool Me But Can’t Get Fooled Again,
  • One Of The Stories Of The Century
  • Les mentions more reasons why 9/11 was an inside job
  • Len recommends a TV show, Pilot Episode – The Lone Gunman.
    A spinoff of the X Files series Link to watch it
  • RIP Les Murzsa 1972- 2024


#1214 – Jim Dieugenio, Ray McGuiness

Part One Jim DiEugenio

  • Jim’s Website Kennedys and King
  • Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge – Along with Megyn Kelly Read Part Three
  • Jim wraps up his three part review of Maureen Callaghan’s fictitious book, Ask Not.
  • Read a detailed & shortened version of the reviews on Jim’s Substack.
  • Before publishing Ask Not, why didn’t Callahan or Kelly invest in a professional fact checker?
  • Why wouldn’t Megyn Kelly try to verify Callahan’s claims BEFORE Callahan’s interview?
  • Callahan relies on disinfo books written on the Chappaquiddick event by Paul Burke & Leo Damore.
  • Unfortunately, Ted Kennedy’s first wife, Joan, was unable to curb her alcoholism.
  • Jim disputes Callahan’s claim that Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne.
  • Ted Kennedy had never been to Chappaquiddick before July 18, 1969.
  • Ted Kennedy rarely drove anywhere by himself, he was usually driven by a driver.
  • Jim feels the accident was due to Ted Kennedy not knowing the Chappaquiddick roads or Dyke Bridge.
  • On August 23, 1956 Jackie Kennedy gave birth to a premature baby girl, Arabella, who was stillborn.
  • Although Arabella wasn’t due for five weeks, Callaghan implies JFK was negligent by being absent.
  • Diana de Vegh first wrote about her “affair” with JFK when he was a Senator, 60 years after the fact.
  • Rosemary, daughter of Joseph & Mary Kennedy, born with mental health issues.
  • In desperation, Joseph Kennedy gave approval to doctors to perform a frontal lobotomy on Rosemary.
  • Jackie Kennedy was absent from the birthday fundraiser for JFK at Madison Gardens in NYC.
  • Jackie wasn’t fond of going to fundraising events, where she felt “for sale”, asking people for money.
  • Marilyn Monroe was just one of seventeen different entertainers at JFK’s birthday fundraiser in 1962.
  • Marilyn Monroe was married & divorced three times by age 35.
  • Where is Callaghan’s evidence that Marilyn was having an affair with JFK or RFK?
  • How could JFK or RFK be responsible for Marilyn Monroe’s death if they weren’t with Marilyn?
  • Jackie went to Europe with her sister, after the death of baby Patrick who died at just two days old.
  • Jackie returned in time for JFK’s trip to Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
  • Listener questions answered

    Part Two starts at 1:14;42

  • Ray McGinnis is a Canadian author of Unanswered Questions.
  • Founder of Telegram Pavel Dyron Arrested in France
  • Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested in UK
  • Journalist David Menzies arrested in Canada Arrested in Canada
  • Evidence never supported the charges… Article by Ray McGuiness
  • Trucker protest with insufficient evidence charges are down to “mischief”
  • Day 44 trial upadate
  • Tucker Carlson interviews Pavel Dyron Watch Here
  • Tamara Lich & Chris Barber’s trial began September 2023.
  • Ray attended the Freedom Convoy 2022 trials in Ottawa last November.
  • The trial is before a judge, not a jury, causing time delays when scheduling court appearances.
  • Tamara & Chris are being charged with mischief & counselling mischief.
  • Typical Canadian mischief trials typically last only three hours, this trial has gone on over 40 days.
  • Freedom Convoy participants were portrayed as violent, racist Nazis etc. by the media & government.
  • Tamara Lich, key volunteer for the convoy is a Metis woman, not a white supremacist violent Nazi.
  • Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour is part of the foundation of our legal system.
  • Ottawa Police are the ones who directed all convoy truck drivers & vehicles to their parking locations.
  • Justice McLean confirmed the Charter of Rights & Freedom allows Canadians to peacefully protest.
  • Section 2b & C of the Charter enshrines Canadians rights to peaceful protest.
  • On Feb. 16, 2022 Justice McLean reaffirmed protesters abiding by his rules, peaceful protest allowed.
  • Tamara Litch arrested, put in prison, in & out of jail for 49 days.
  • The whole trial is about questioning whether Canadians have the right to protest Government policies.
  • Canadians had been trying for 2 years to communicate with all levels of government, being ignored.
  • Canadians were not allowed to question potential side effects of the vaccines, data covered up.
  • Matt Taibbi revealed government clampdown of Freedom of Speech
  • His substack worth reading https://twitterfiles.substack.com/
  • BCCDC data on serious adverse stats the agency was variously compiling, hiding and manipulating. Article


#1213 – Joan Mellen


  • Mark Lane compared investigating the JFK assassination like Frankenstein unleashed the monster.
  • Joan learned about the MOSSAD researching the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel.
  • In time, Joan was befriended by New Orleans Police Intelligence Police Officer, Robert Buras
  • Robert Buras denied permission to interview Psychiatrist Dr. Frank Silva & Patricia Orr in Baton Rouge.
  • Because of Joan’s tenacity & unbiased researching, Burriss nicknamed Joan ‘Sherlock’.
  • Robert Kennedy & Walter Sheridan tried to hamper Jim Garrison’s investigation.
  • Joan developed pneumonia walking the rainy streets of New Orleans with Robert Buras
  • Explains the current & historic definition of Catfished after being hoodwinked on Facebook.
  • These people with fake profiles are looking to take advantage of people financially.
  • Joan’s bank refused to transfer $15,000 US over the phone to someone she’d never met.
  • If you’ve been Catfished, the FBI has an online for you to fill out to explain the particulars.
  • Do not give MONEY to ANYONE you meet online. Do not become EMOTIONALLY invested.
  • Older women are targeted because they tend to be lonely & have more money than younger women.
  • The person trying to take advantage of Joan was plagiarizing text from an article in Atlantic magazine.
  • One of Joan’s students once plagiarized the film Fight Club. His classmates quickly exposed his lies.
  • The life of a writer is hard, dealing with bad reviews & many rejections.
  • It disturbs Joan that RFK Jr. hasn’t contacted her about RFK’s involvement in Garrison’s investigation.
  • Joan was threatened with bodily harm by Roger Stone if Joan attended the conference in Louisiana.
  • Joan contacted the FBI about Roger Stone’s threat of bodily harm, so it would be documented.
  • Despite threats, Joan presented at the Jim Garrison conference, with Garrison’s sons in attendance.
  • Joan notes the lack of footnotes in Stone’s The Man Who Killed Kennedy, The Case Against LBJ.
  • Luckily for Joan, the FBI sent her an unredacted copy of their file on Mac Wallace.
  • Mac Wallace’s FBI file was the foundation for Joan’s book Faustian Bargains.
  • Joan talks about the time she went to interview Gerald Patrick Hemming.
  • Hemming told Joan that the only person he was afraid of was Bernie. Who is Bernie?


#1212 – John Armstrong


  • John has a new video featuring his latest research on Lee Harvey Oswald on Nov. 22/63.
  • New Video – Tampering of Dallas Police transcripts
  • John is always finding information that no one else has found because he reads.
  • Earlene Roberts saw Lee leave the rooming house in a dark brown shirt. zipping up his dark blue jacket.
  • Lee wore a dark blue jacket when he appeared in the morning at Wesley Frazier’s house on 11/22/63.
  • Taxi driver William Whaley also described Lee as also wearing a dark blue jacket.
  • Lee left the rooming house at approximately 1:03 PM.
  • The man who shot Tippet at 1:06 PM was wearing a light colored Eisenhower type windbreaker jacket.
  • Please read John’s analysis and description of the Tippet murder on his website, HarveyandLee.net
  • Oswald was wearing a long sleeved brown shirt (no blue jacket) at his arrest in the Texas Theatre.
  • John encourages you to READ the Dallas Police Department dictatape transcriptions from 11/22/63.
  • The FBI edited the DPD transcriptions, changing the time stamps around the Tippit murder.
  • Three Ambulances sent to 10th & Patton – Dudley M. Hughes ambulance, Baylor University & the VA.
  • By 1964, Ely was aware of the many Oswald impersonations happening in multiple places.
  • Oswald shows a Texas State Driver’s License to Fred Moore at the Jiffy Mart at 10am.
  • How can Oswald be at the Jiffy Mart when he’s pushing boxes around at the TSBD?
  • Oswald seen getting on bus in Dealey Plaza while also spotted getting into a Rambler station wagon.
  • John Hart Ely, 26 year old & the youngest member to work on the Warren Commission.
  • Ely’s job for the Warren Commission was to research the history of Marguerite & Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Seeing obvious discrepancies, Ely started to question Oswald’s duplicity in his investigation.
  • Ely talked to the men who were stationed with Oswald in Santa Anna & El Toro.
  • Talked to Sgt. Donald Goodwin at El Toro. Friendly with Oswald, going to the movies together.
  • In 1975, Ely wrote a summary of his deep & complex feelings about the Warren Commission.
  • Mr. Ely, in his own words, recognized there was multiple Oswalds.
  • In April ’64 Jenner wrote to Rankin about Ely’s records, Ely’s research was going to have to be edited.
  • John has wondered for 20 years why Capt. Fritz didn’t ask Lee any questions about the Tippit murder.
  • A blue jacket was placed on Tippit’s body after he was murdered before the ambulance crew arrived.
  • Witness Domingo Benavides tried to contact DPD dispatch but didn’t know how to use the police mic.
  • Tippit’s body was taken the Methodist Hospital by the Dudley Hughes ambulance by Jasper Clayton Butler.
  • Although Butler was on site by 1:10 PM, Tippit was declared dead until 1:15 PM? How?
  • Capt. Fritz was aware of the 2nd wallet found at the Tippit crime scene, helping in the cover up.
  • On 11/22/63 the Dallas Police Dept. sent the FBI 225 items but returned 455 items on 11/26/63.
  • John spent 2 weeks at the National Archives searching for DP initials on items in Oswald’s inventory.
  • The government offices protect each other, enabling them to destroy & hide assassination evidence.
  • What would have happened if the public found out two wallets at the Tippit crime scene in 1963?
  • Why haven’t the seasoned researchers questioned the two different jackets & shirts worn by Oswald.
  • What happened to Oswald’s blue jacket? It was missing at the time of his arrest.
  • John first started to seriously research the JFK assassination after attending an event in 1991.
  • Madeline Brown’s attended the JFK event, bringing her son, who is the spitting image of LBJ.
  • Was LHO in N. Dakota in 1953 but also in New York going to school?
  • It takes years researching & reading to understand the all of the little links that slowly connect.


#1211 – Jim DiEugenio


  • Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge Along with Megyn Kelly Review Part One
  • James Lawson, advisor & assistant to MLK, passed way in Los Angeles on June 9th.
  • Lawson had been an expert on non-violence and MLK’s murder.
  • Professor Jeffery Sachs interviewed Monica Wiesak about the assassination of JFK.
  • Jim feels Monica Wiesak’s America’s Last President is the best book written on JFK in recent years.
  • Read Jim’s recent article Maureen Callahan Goes over the Edge Read Part Two Here
  • The Posthumous Assassination of John F. Kennedy published by Jim in rebuttal to Seymour Hersh.
  • Dark Side of Camelot – horribly written, poorly researched & a complete hatchet job.
  • ABC bought the rights to Hersh’s book, later discovered via forensic testing the documents were fake.
  • Lawrence X. Cusack III forged the documents Hersh used as sources for The Dark Side of Camelot.
  • Joseph Kennedy’s secretary, never having met Marilyn Monroe, easily discredited Hersh’s claims.
  • Researcher Greg Schreiner, warned Hersh that signature on documents was not Marilyn Monroe’s.
  • Greg Schreiner hosts a site dedicated to Marilyn at themarilynmonroesite.com
  • Ask Not by Maureen Callahan a hack piece.
  • Jim points out Ask Not was going nowhere, until Megyn Kelly’s interview with Maureen Callahan.
  • Listens to Megyn & Maureen’s podcast contacted Jim to help debunk their research & claims.
  • Marilyn Monroe, Jackie Kennedy & Carolyn Bessette’s eyes featured on the cover of Ask Not. Why?
  • DiEugenio has debunked rumours the Kennedy brothers were involved with Marilyn Monroe’s death.
  • Don McGovern wrote Murder Orthodoxies & transferred it to the Marilyn from the 22nd Row website.
  • If you read Don McGovern’s book, you’ll realize what a hoax the Marilyn Monroe industry was & is.
  • Gary Vitacco Robles wrote a chapter dedicated to Marilyn wire tapping claims in his book Icon.
  • Anthony Summers used bribes made by Nobel Kid Chissell to validate his research on Marilyn Monroe.
  • Despite being debunked, Callahan uses Summers & Donald Wolfe as sources for her book.
  • Summers & Wolfe give credibility to the liar, Robert Slatzer. Why?
  • Jim recommends following Marilyn Monroe author April VeVea, creator of Classic Blondes.
  • Despite lacking a marriage certificate, Robert Slatzer claimed he married Marilyn Monroe in 1952.
  • Don McGovern tears this claim apart in his book, writing eighteen pages that discredit Slatzer’s claims.
  • April Vevea found photo of Marilyn taken in LA on the day Slatzer states they were married in Mexico.
  • Slatzer bribed Nobel Kid Chissell, to state he was a witness to Robert & Marilyn’s wedding ceremony.
  • Slatzer ended up being Welshing on the deal.
  • Jeanne Carmen made 31 appearances masquerading as Marilyn Monroe’s best friend after her death.
  • Bobby Kennedy was in San Francisco with his family on the day Marilyn died.
  • Peter Lawford had invited Marilyn to his dinner party in Santa Monica & not in LA.
  • Pathologist Boyd Stephens believed Marilyn committed suicide as drugs ingested, not injected.
  • When JFK died, Jackie’s trust fund was worth about $2 million a year in today’s money.
  • In 1967, Price Sihanouk declared the Vietnam war would not have happened if JFK had lived.


#1210 – Dr. Gary Aguilar


  • Dr. Aguilar’s recent article on WC Counsels Burt Griffin & Howard Willens Read Artice Here
  • Warren Commission counsel Burt Griffin published a new book in 2023 defending the WC findings.
  • Warren Commission counsel David Belin wrote ‘Final Disclosure’ in 1988.
  • Prior to ‘Final Disclosure’, in 1973 Belin published ‘November 22, 1963; You Are The Jury’.
  • Warren Commission counsel Howard Willens wrote ‘History Will Prove Us Right’ in 2013.
  • Griffin’s book is the 3rd Warren Commission counsel member to publish a book defending the WC.
  • Dr. Aguilar wrote a response to Willens article in American Scholar, Willens never responded.
  • Church Committee & the HSCA were extremely critical of the Warren Commission investigation.
  • The Warren Commission supporters refuse to acknowledge Church Committee and HSCA findings.
  • Government investigators avoid admissions of guilt, known as ‘admission against interest’.
  • The Warren Commission’s investigation was a corrupt cover up, not a real murder investigation.
  • FBI’s Edgar Hoover was in complete control of the Warren Commission & the final published report.
  • Within hours of Lee Harvey Oswald’s arrest Hoover declared he was the lone shooter & murder solved.
  • Warren Commission defenders include Paul Hoch, Robert Wagner, Gerald Posner & Nicholas Nalli.
  • Why do the Warren Commission defenders continue to support such a shoddy investigation?
  • Griffin & Belin both avoid telling the truth by omitting the most damning details from their readers.
  • To curb public interest, in 1964 the New York Times reported the WC had released all documents.
  • Belin parrots the lies, but upon review over 3,000 WC documents were still being withheld in 1992.
  • Howard Willens is guilty of withholding documents which were later published on his own website!
  • After Dr. Aguilar exposed Willens published withheld WC documents, he had the documents removed!
  • Lee Harvey Oswald was stationed at the Atsugi Air Base in Japan which was (is) a CIA spy base.
  • Griffin & Willens give very limited information about Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico.
  • Hale Boggs was very vocal about disagreeing with the official conclusions of the Warren Commission.
  • Boggs died in a mysterious air crash over Alaska on October 16, 1972.
  • Burt Griffin had previously stated he wasn’t happy with the investigation, but supports it in his new book.
  • Griffin admits in his new book that the Warren Commission investigation didn’t focus on conspiracy.
  • Belin’s first Book: You Are The Jury Download Book Here
  • Also by David Belin “Final Disclosure” Download Book Here
  • Dr. Aguilar’s article ‘Max Holland Rescues the Warren Commission and the Nation’. Read Here


#1209 – Jeff Carter


  • Trailer info for screening View Here
  • Jeff worked on the “50 Reasons For 50 Years” project with Black Op Radio.
  • Jeff’s research featured on Jim DiEugenio’s Kennedys & King website.
  • Len recently completed documentary on William Pepper for John Barbour. Watch Here
  • Len’s research was influenced early on by Mae Brussell, Jim Garrison & Fletcher Prouty.
  • Len & Jeff drafted the framework for a Prouty documentary while working on 50 Reasons .
  • The film features Oliver Stone discussing Fletcher Prouty.
  • Film premier of “Fletcher Prouty’s Cold War” on August 12th at Paul Phillips Hall in Victoria, B.C..
  • Len’s relationship with Fletcher provided an archive of photos, interviews & documents for the film.
  • “Fletcher Prouty’s Cold War” is an offshoot of “50 Reasons For 50 Years” film series.
  • Historic documentary that covers Prouty’s military career & Cold War events from 1940’s – 1963.
  • Col. Fletcher Prouty spent 23 years in the military, including 9 years at the Pentagon.
  • Hearing Dave Ratcliffe interview Fletcher Prouty was Len’s catalyst for writing Prouty about JFK.
  • Cold War conflicts occurred before the end of WWII; Operation Paperclip was a betrayal against Stalin.
  • Donald Sutherland portrayed Prouty as “Mr. X” in Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK.
  • Being USAF, Prouty didn’t sign a CIA Oath of Secrecy
  • Prouty had been head of “Team B” at the Pentagon. CIA had to clear all plans & operations with USAF.
  • The requests that came through the CIA helped Prouty recognize Black Ops.
  • Before retirement, Prouty had his secretaries discontinue stamping documents with “Top Secret” etc..
  • Prouty was able to disclose several documents due to their lack of classification after retiring.
  • After retirement, Fletcher provided counter information about Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, JFK & Black Ops.
  • Prouty would help researchers & reporters indirectly by dropping hints without divulging secrets.
  • In 1972, Prouty’s “The Secret Team” was published, which was a warning to society about the CIA.
  • Prouty was motivated to educate the public often stating “I’m just trying to level the playing field”.
  • Fletcher revealed that Ed Lansdale had been in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
  • Len & friend Andy Hill came to Prouty with a long list of organized questions, to ensure efficiency.
  • Prouty would always take the time to respond & answer correspondence from curious researchers.
  • Len & Jeff reflect on the struggles of whistleblowers Edward Snowden & Julian Assange.
  • Len produced a video with Fletcher Prouty on the specifics surrounding JFK’s assassination. Watch Here


#1208 – Vince Palamara


  • Vince studies and writes on the Secret Service
  • Anomalies with the security in Butler Pittitbugh
  • Reflections on relaxed Security at the JFK Assassination
  • BBC interviews a witness Watch Video
  • Thomas Mathew Crooks lives just five minutes from Vince.
  • Thomas Mathew Crooks, 20, graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022.
  • Employed at Skilled Nursing Homes in Bethel Park where Vince’s mother died in 2023.
  • Law enforcement alerted at least 30-45 minutes prior to the shooting at event entrance.
  • Thomas had acted suspicious around the magnetometer.
  • Thomas had a Hunting Range Finder
  • Crooks had an AR style rifle, explosives found in his car and home.
  • Like Lee Harvey Oswald, associates claim Crooks not a good shot.
  • Crooks rejected by his high Bethel Park High School rifle team.
  • January 2021 Crooks donated to the Biden supporting “Progressive Turnout Project” in Chicago.
  • Crooks a registered Republican in October 2022 mid-terms.
  • Secret Service has been guarding roof tops to Eisenhower & FDR but neglected to in Butler.
  • Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle stated the sloped roof where government located not a threat.
  • Video and photos show Crook’s clean up crew had no issues standing up and hosing off bloody roof.
  • Crooks only about 140 yards away from Trump’s stage.
  • People filming in the crowd were trying to alert Secret Service that Crooks was armed on roof.
  • Did Crooks bring a ladder or was it fixed? Why wasn’t the ladder manned by security?
  • Why weren’t drones being used as an extra measure of security?
  • Vince reflects on the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.
  • If Trump had been assassinated, Vince surmises riots would have happened and economy ruined.
  • Modern day Secret Service use Zapruder’s JFK assassination film for training.
  • Advanced team of agents typically arrive 48 hours prior to the President to secure the area.
  • State and local police are guided by the Secret Service. Chain of command failed to secure roof.
  • In 2004 a grenade was thrown at George W. Bush when in Georgia, Russia.
  • Secret Service agents not recorded or photographed with standard ear pieces.
  • Trump’s permanent Secret Service security detail told to stand down for Butler event and rest.
  • Inexperienced Secret Service staff and site agent in charge of security.
  • After Crooks was taken out, Secret Service prematurely declare the sight secured.
  • Trump allowed to stand up, exposing himself, fist pumping and chanting “fight, fight, USA, USA”.
  • Why wasn’t bullet proof glass used to protect Trump on stage?
  • Vince feels Butler, PA is a very red and pro Trump location so security may have been relaxed?
  • Spectator Corey Comperatore shot dead, two others critically wounded.
  • Retired Secret Service Paul Landis who promotes the single bullet theory said agents did a good job.
  • Retired Secret Service agent Dan Emmett said the Secret Service dropped the ball.
  • How did Crooks get into the event with a gun, binoculars and climb up on a ladder? Rifle hidden?
  • Was Crooks assured protection prior to the shooting by government or military officials?
  • Situation is similar to Jack Ruby being assured protection when he shot Oswald in basement of DPD.
  • The Secret Service provides life long protection to Presidents, past and present.
  • RFK Jr. denied Secret Service protection despite being high risk.
  • Secret Service waited for Thomas Matthew Crooks to take the first shot.
  • Thomas Crooks filmed an hour prior to event, walking around buildings, drawing attention to himself.
  • Crooks was obvious, Secret Service Counter Sniper Rifle Team had Crooks in their cross hairs.
  • 3D animation created of how close the bullets came to striking Trump. Watch Annimation Here
  • Thomas Crooks in BlackRock commercial featuring Bethel Park High School’s teacher Brian DeLallo.
  • Contradictory reports from classmates that Thomas Matthew Crooks was bullied.
  • Secret Service Counter Sniper Rifle Team perched on two different sloped roofs.
  • Witnesses claim they heard shots come from a tower.
  • Autopsy reports, ballistics and trajectory reports once released will answer more questions.
  • FBI conveniently can’t seem to obtain data off Thomas Matthew Crook’s cell phone.
  • BlackRock’s Ukraine war would be disbanded under Trump. Motive for shooting?


#1206 – Jeff Carter, Jim DiEugenio


  • Jeff Carter worked on “50 Reasons For 50 Years”
  • Review of Eric Tagg’s book “Brush With History”
  • A Day in the Life of Deputy E.R. Walthers,
  • Book Review Here
  • The author presents a complex view of the Dallas Police
  • Walthers engaged with numerous locations and persons of interest in the hours after the shooting
  • Walthers wrote a same-day account: Read document Here
  • Intrigue and mystery in the Dallas neighbourhood of Oak Cliff
  • The Abundant Life Temple may have been a “safe house” on 11/22/63.
  • It was part of a right-wing network of affiliated churches
  • Address on Harlandale was associated with the Cuban exile community, rumours place Oswald there on occasion
  • Book features interesting memo by Garrison for the HSCA, on the strange phenomena of “bishops” and “ministers”
  • Belonging to obscure churches affiliated with the right-wing networks, including persons of interest in JFK assassination.
  • Bizarre constellation of “wandering bishops” is described in Peter Levenda’s “Sinister Forces” trilogy

    Part Two Jim DiEugenio starts at 42:36

  • Listener questions answered
  • Monica Weiack and Jeff Sachs
  • Substack by Jim DiEugenio -Jeff Sachs: An Academic with Chutzpah Article
  • Troubled Biden debate discussed, he has dementia
  • What is the best evidence of a conspiracy in the JFK case today?
  • Jim explains why the motorcade route was altered.
  • What was the directionality of the anterior neck wound?
  • Did Oswald carry a paper bag to work that morning
  • Article by Milicent Cranor Traces Of Witness Tampering
  • Article by Milicent Cranor Trajectory of a Lie
  • Ralph Leon Yates story discussed Excerpt from Jim Douglass book