#1226 – Jim DiEugenio, John Barbour


  • New article by Max Arvo, Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment – Part 1, on Kennedys and King.
  • Jim recommends ‘Death To Justice’ by Paul Abbott.
  • Dr. Hubert Winston Smith was psychologist who created the 3 psychiatrist panel to evaluate Ruby.
  • Dr. Louis Joslyn West wrote evaluation of Jack Ruby after being appointed by Dr. Smith.
  • John Washburn’s article, Mary Bledsoe and the Bus – Part 1, focuses on Oswald’s “escape”.
  • Was Oswald on Cecil McWatter’s bus?
  • Did Oswald really get into William Whaley’s cab when he left Dealey Plaza?
  • The Warren Commission suggested that Larry Crafard may have been an Oswald impersonator.
  • Jack Joins The Revolution, article written about JFK’s political evolution.
  • CAPA Conference 2024 is going virtual! Watch online!
  • Was Lee Harvey Oswald in the TSBD window on the 6th floor?
  • Steve Jaffe, member of Jim Garrison’s staff, has a memoir with Jim coming out in about 6 months!
  • Ethel Kennedy has passed away at 96 years.
  • Watch The Searchers – a film by Randolph Benson on Vimeo for FREE!
  • Malcolm X’s family has started a law suit against the FBI, CIA & NYPD.
  • The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X: Evanzz, Karl: 9781560250661: Books – Amazon.ca
  • 60th anniversary of the release of the WC’s 26 volumes of testimony with supporting “evidence”.
  • The Warren Commission Report had been published two months earlier on Sept. 24, 1967.
  • The media already had access to information in the Warren Commission, showing they were in cahoots.
  • The CBS special director Bernie Birnbaun working with the Warren Commission weeks in advance.
  • NBC 1 hour special hosted by Frank McGee & Tom Pettit.
  • CBS special was hosted by Walter Cronkite with Dan Rather.
  • If journalists collude with government conspiracy & lies, is this a violation of journalistic ethics?
  • CBS did not give their outtakes at all.
  • Florence Graves 1978 article in 1978 Washington Journal Review outlined CBS colluding with WC.
  • The Warren Commission suggested witnesses to be interviewed.
  • NY Times prosecuted Ruby in print they day after Ruby shot Oswald.
  • How could Time Life been allowed to buy the Zapruder film & hold it in from the public for 12 years?
  • Why wasn’t there an examination of the WC’s 26 volumes of testimony & evidence?

    Part Two – John Barbour @ 43:05

  • Len made valuable contributions to The American Media & The 2nd Assassination of President JFK.
  • John loves Len, Len’s wife Susan & Susan’s father who passed away in recent years.
  • Len appreciates John respects Jim Garrison, Fletcher Prouty, Mae Brussell etc..
  • John points out that Trump didn’t release the remaining JFK files his first go around, will he this time?
  • Many people voted for Trump because RFK Jr. was involved in the campaign.
  • Jefferson Morley has spent over 10 years in the courts in efforts to have Jim Garrison’s files released.
  • Garrison’s files include the names of the shooters.
  • Judge Cavanaugh who Trump sided with was appointed to the Supreme Court.
  • John knows that democracy was shot down on November 22, 1963.
  • Wayne Madsen was interviewed by John Kennedy Jr. shortly before JFK Jr.’s death.
  • JFK Jr. was going to expose significant information about his father’s murder & run for Senate.
  • Dorothy Killgallen was the only person to interview Ruby, after her death her file went to Jayne.
  • Jayne Mansfield was murdered due to her relationship with Jim Garrison & what she knew.
  • Truman on his death bed admitted the worst thing he ever did was create the Security State.
  • Truman dropped the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima despite objections.
  • The 2nd bomb was dropped to warn the Russians.
  • Oliver Stone & Jim Garrison were both punished by the establishment for exposing JFK truth.
  • Oswald paraffin tests show LHO never fired a shot, nor was he on the 6th floor.
  • Garrison lost conspiracy case against Shaw, but won the perjury case with jury deliberating 7 minutes.
  • Garrison’s primary case was the perjury case against Clay Shaw.
  • John will be hosting a LIVE 2 hour JFK special on November 22nd!


#1225 – Ted Yacucci


  • Ted was 8 years old when JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
  • A pall came over the nation when JFK was assassinated, everyone around him was effected.
  • JFK’s murder deeply effected Ted, starting his fascination with the investigation.
  • Oswald being shot by Ruby just two days after JFK’s murder seemed too fantastical to be true!
  • Ted has a background in TV reporter & teaches journalism. Ted loves investigative journalism.
  • With Ted’s pending retirement, he’s looking forward to focusing on his great JFK Youtube channel!
  • Listening to weekly episodes of Black Op Radio helps keep Ted close to the subject.
  • Ted has current FOIA requests in progress with hopes of learning more on the Chicago plot.
  • Ted interviewed Ruth Paine a decade ago! Ted tells why she cut him off from further communication!
  • It was amazing to Ted how Ruth Paine tried to manipulate him.
  • Solving the assassination of JFK’s murder is coming down to the hard work of independent researchers.
  • Ted appreciates the determined truth seekers in the JFK research community!
  • Ted’s nickname was TV Ted in the television & reporting world.
  • Sgt. Robert Vincent’s plane was diverted to Dallas, where they picked up an LHO lookalike!
  • The CIA kept complete oversight over Sgt. Vincent & his wife after the assassination.
  • Ted has concluded the JFK assassination was a CIA operation.
  • Many people associated to the assassination on some level lost their lives or were harassed by the CIA.
  • Len created 50 Reasons For 50 Years short videos to cater to people’s short attention spans!
  • Researchers are very interested in the murder of Officer Tippet by an Oswald imposter.
  • Ted really appreciates the Oswald research published by John Armstrong in Harvey & Lee.
  • Len & Ted discuss the multiple Oswalds that started to appear in different states.
  • Was the CIA Edward Lansdale brought in to orchestrate & direct JFK’s assassination?
  • Len believes the reporting of Oswald in Mexico City was a CIA created distraction.
  • Thomas Arthur Vallee in Chicago also looked like Oswald & had a similar military career!
  • Roger Craig saw an Oswald lookalike in Dealey Plaza getting into a Rambler station wagon.
  • There were TWO Oswalds arrested on November 22, 1963 at the The Texas Theatre!
  • The plane with Sgt. Robert Vincent landed at the Roswell AFB after leaving Dallas.
  • David Ferrie was being followed by the CIA to make sure he didn’t speak out about the assassination.
  • Oswald was seen creating a ruckus in multiple locations bringing attention to himself on purpose.
  • The Warren Commission censored what was published in the report, rejecting multiple testimonies.
  • Gerald Ford & the other members of the Warren Commission are guilty of helping with the cover-up.
  • The Warren Commission has told hundreds of lies but ignorant people & shills still promote the report.
  • With the WC claiming Oswald was in Mexico City, then how could Lee be at the Sportsdrome?
  • How could Lee Harvey Oswald defect to Russia, return to the US with assistance & not be charged?
  • Sylvia Odio reported that a Lee Harvey Oswald visited her home with anti Castro Cubans.
  • Oswald arrested at The Texas Theatre seen at El Tico restaurant in a car registered to CIA business.
  • Allen Dulles & The Big Money behind the opposition of Kennedy.
  • NSAM 263 was JFK’s initial initiative to start pulling out all troops from Vietnam.
  • Len explains the Golden Triangle.
  • David Ferrie was killed shortly after it was made public he was involved in Garrison’s investigation.
  • Autopsy whistleblower suicided along with reporter Dorothy Kilgallen & Dr. Mary Sherman!


#1224 – Jim DiEugenio


  • US Election comments
  • Listerner questions answered
  • Mike Benz on the Tucker Carlson show Watch Here
  • Donald Trump won the 2024 US Presidential election!
  • Will the perturbed liberal celebrities actually move out of the United States now, or just blowing wind?
  • Trump received help from Joe Rogan, Carlson Tucker, Elon Musk, Megyn Kelly & others.
  • The FBI had many agent provocateurs in the crowd, dressed as Trump supporters, egging people on.
  • The media has constantly attacked Trump, ignoring his accomplishments. What has Kamala done?
  • People would have voted for Trump simply because they didn’t want Kamala as their representative.
  • Jim feels Biden’s foreign policies were very bad, he’s pretty close to being a Neo Con.
  • Biden refused to negotiate on the situation in Ukraine.
  • Why would Boris Johnson travel to Ukraine & have Zelenskyy cancel the Peace Treaty?
  • Over $100 billion has been spent on the Ukraine war at this point without a Peace Treaty. Why?
  • Jim listens to Scott Ritter & Colonel Douglas MacGregor, both are on Twitter/X.
  • Len listens to US Economist Jeffrey Sachs & Mike Benz, former State Department whistleblower.
  • Len explains the goal of Ukraine supporters to bankrupt Russia, pulling Russia into unnecessary war.
  • FK threatened to “pull the plug” when there wasn’t even a war going on to stop the Dimona project.
  • Biden hasn’t protested Israel’s targeted genocide against Palestine,
  • Jim feels Biden has been a failure in Israel & the Middle East, continuing to fund illegal wars.
  • Israel has now expanded their war into Lebanon & Iran.
  • Hezbollah has over 100,000 troops that are highly organized & they’ve stymied Israel’s advance.
  • Jim feels Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about most of the time & runs off at the mouth.
  • Trump makes inaccurate claims at time, his understanding of events & history is often wrong.
  • Iran started to build their missile arsenal after being attacked by Iraq in the 1980’s.
  • JFK would say “we can compete with the Russians, we don’t have to be enemies with everyone”.
  • Iran has 15,000 missiles! They are set to buy the latest generation fighter jet from Russia!
  • Russia & China have both helped Iran build up their military & arsenal.
  • Israel’s F35 attack against Iran didn’t go so well with Iran having fantastic radar & military.
  • Israel is now fighting Hamas, Hezbol’ah & Iran. Can Israel win on all three fronts?
  • Bill Clinton was sent to Michigan for the election, expressing his anti-Palestine views.
  • Clinton was shut down when it was pointed out Israel had recently murdered 43,000 Palestine natives.
  • Kamala Harris ended up losing Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania destroying the ‘Blue Wall’.
  • Kamala had the Clintons, the Obamas & celebrities going around the country to rally & she still lost.
  • Jim feels Bernie Sanders would have beat Trump in 2016 if he had run instead of Hillary Clinton.
  • A book should be written about everything that has happened to RJK Jr. over the past four years.
  • Jim’s protest vote went to Jill Stein, the Green Party’s 2024 presidential nominee.


#1223 – Paul Abbott, David Denton


  • The Death To Justice, The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Paul Abbott at Kennedy’s and King Article
  • Find Paul on his Substack
  • The book is a focus on the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Paul motivated to write a book after reading DPD’s investigation, testimonies & noting contradictions.
  • Paul has created an index of Jim Garrison’s files, a valuable tool for JFK assassination researchers.
  • Jim’s files contain a folder with the DPD’s internal investigation into the events around Lee’s death.
  • Oswald’s shooting happened only about 47 hours after the shooting of JFK.
  • Len discusses how the conflict of information & testimony peaks the interest of researchers.
  • It’s incredible how much background information Jim Garrison was able to discover early on.
  • What might have Oswald said if he had lived? What might have been revealed?
  • Jack Ruby wanted the opportunity to tell his story, no one wanted to listen & he too was silenced.
  • After over 25 years of JFK assassination research, Len still learns new tidbits of information.
  • Quebec author Paul Bleau gives the foreword for this meticulously researched book.
  • Paul’s book breaks down Lee’s timeline around the assassination into their different layers.
  • Theories on how Lee left Dealey Plaza are broken down into their different complexities.
  • Ultimately, Paul believes Oswald may not have been allowed to leave Dealey Plaza alive.
  • Paul has worked in chronological order, compiling statements from DPD, FBI, WC & HSCA files & Jack Ruby Trial .
  • Paul does go into Lee’s background as it leads into his assassination activities, but not main focus.
  • Threats were called into the Dallas Sheriff’s department prior to Lee’s murder on Sunday morning.
  • Why did Chief Curry announce that Oswald was going to be transferred in the morning to the media?
  • Paul pinpoints the location of all the people & media in the basement at the time of Oswald’s transfer.
  • Paul’s Youtube channel,‘Dallas City Hall Basement’, features raw film footage taken on Nov. 24/63.
  • Robert Jackson won the Pulitzer prize for taking the photograph when Oswald is literally shot by Ruby.
  • Photo taken by Jack Beers shows Ruby lunging forward, in photo you can see microphone above Lee.
  • When Oswald was shot, he was taken inside the DPD jail’s office, not rushed to the hospital. Why?
  • Len discusses how when he first saw CE #399, he knew something wasn’t right.
  • Paul started writing his book as he started to index Garrison’s files in a simple spreadsheet.
  • The spreadsheet enabled Paul to document & organize the different people & their statements.
  • Paul notes there were at least 22 members of the press in the DPD basement but only 10 interviewed.
  • Oswald’s medical aide at the jail was never interviewed by the DPD as well as porters & many civilian workers.
  • Read Jim DiEugenio’s article ‘Civilians Overlooked’ and Paul Bleau Forward at Kennedys & King website.
  • When the Warren Commission came to Dallas, they performed interviews the DPD had missed.
  • 7 civilian workers went up to the Annex Building & to City Hall to watch the transfer of Oswald on TV.
  • DPD Roy Vaughn stationed at top of Main St. ramp didn’t notice Ruby enter basement entrance. How?
  • There were assassination conspirators within the Dallas Police Department & City Hall.
  • Paul goes to length to identify the officer who ejected civilian employees from City Hall’s basement.
  • Why did Curry & DPD want to accommodate the media at such length?
  • An hour before Oswald’s transfer, Curry was still reporting to the media, including threats against Lee.
  • With Curry laying out every detail of Oswald’s transfer, there was no secrecy or valid security for Lee.
  • Anonymous caller informed DPD that there was a group of over 100 people plotting Lee’s murder.
  • The caller knew Oswald would be transferred in an armoured car & convoy to be attacked.
  • Dallas FBI called the Dallas Sheriff’s office to see if there were any threats on Oswald’s life.
  • There are MANY contradictions from the different people interviewed.
  • There were 92 members of the media & police in the DPD basement at the time of Oswald’s transfer!

    Part Two – David Denton – Professor & Author

  • The JFK Historical Group Dallas 2024 Conference Tickets, Nov 21-23 2024 Eventbrite – Purchase Here
  • JFK Conference is back in Dallas this year! Nov. 21-24th at the Doubletree Inn on Market Street.
  • Doug Horne, former investigator for ARRB is the key note speaker this year.
  • Doug’s key note speech is Saturday night!
  • Trine Day Publisher, Kris Milligan, will be speaking Thursday afternoon.
  • Medical panel includes Dr. Mike Chesser, Doug Horne & Dr. David Mantik
  • Authors include Mal Hyman, David Knight, Ed Tatro, Rick Russo & Dick Russell.
  • Meet authors Gary Hill, Mark Harris, Liz Gould, Paul Fitzgerald & Bob Nelson (in breakout room).
  • People are always trying to dig & find new information on the case.
  • There are still people out there that are very passionate about JFK assassination research.
  • Researchers are not making money from their research, JFK research is a labour of love.
  • David feels they do have such a great lineup because the conference is well run & organized.


#1222 – John Edginton, Ray McGuinnis


  • Documentary Filmaker John Edginton
  • Len first discovered John’s documentaries, finding John’s interview with Col. Fletcher Prouty.
  • Intrigued, Len discovers John’s library of interviews, including a BBC film on Martin Luther King.
  • John started out as a journalist, worked as a print journalist in the early 80’s, then got involved in TV.
  • Worked on a TV series with a new television station in the UK, channel 4, promoting independence.
  • John’s big break as a filmmaker happened when in 1989 he interviewed James Earl Ray.
  • James was in prison in East Tennessee at Brushy Mountain Prison near Knoxville.
  • John wrote to James, asking permission from Ray to visit the prison & interview him.
  • The prison & James agreed with the prison requesting that John not bring any recording devices.
  • John was able to spend 4 hours interviewing James Earl Ray, without any security whatsoever.
  • The more John talked to James he realized James was a patsy.
  • John managed to persuade the BBC into helping fund the documentary with James Earl Ray.
  • John & his colleague friend, researcher John Sergeant from the UK, toured the US for six months.
  • John ended up meeting Fletcher Prouty and others during their intense tour recording interviews.
  • Full interview with James Earl Ray Video Here
  • At this time Dr. William Pepper was just beginning to be involved in James Earl Ray’s case.
  • What extent was the government involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King?
  • Col. Prouty was a wonderful source of information on deep state covert operations.
  • Col. Fletcher Prouty interview Watch Video Here
  • It took years for John to realize the value of his interview with Col. Fletcher Prouty.
  • The BBC junked the documentary, but John had VHS copies he was able to recover.
  • The documenatry “Who Killed Martin Luther King” Watch Here
  • Len remembers watching John’s documentary on Chappaquiddick when it was featured by Bill Kurtis.
  • Everything that Col. Fletcher wrote in his book ‘The Secret Team’ was all about the deep state.
  • David Ratcliffe interviewed Prouty for his book ‘Understanding Special Operations’.
  • Len was impressed seeing John’s documentaries on Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, David Gilmour etc..
  • John’s documentaries are unfiltered interviews, ‘over coffee talk’, completely unscripted.
  • People told John that David Gilmour would never let him into his house, but he was fascinated by John.
  • Len enjoys the long form interviews, that aren’t rushed, similar of Joe Rogan’s interview style.
  • John has managed to capture many artists as they talked about their craft without censorship.
  • Len found a great value in watching John’s list of older interviews, including Genesis & Phil Collins!
  • John recently found the Boiler Girl interview & uploaded it to his channel.
  • Why did they never have an autopsy on Mary Joe Kopecky?
  • People are really interested in all of the raw material.
  • Kamala Harris recently had a 60 minute interview, but it was edited to 45 minutes. Why?
  • When ‘The Men Who Killed Kennedy’ came out, it was a big deal, Len recalls watching the episodes.
  • Fletcher Prouty was the ‘authentic eyewitness’ from inside the Pentagon. No contradictions.
  • John recommends his 1996 HBO documentary ‘Mumia Abu-Jamal: A Case for Reasonable Doubt?’
  • Please visit John Edginton’s Youtube Channel

    Part Two starts at 31:23

  • Ray McGuinnis – Author and researcher
  • Ray’s website Unanswered Questions has a number of articles about 911 & the 2022 Trucker’s Convoy.
  • Ray attended the 2022 Trucker’s Convoy hearings at Ottawa in mid July.
  • Mid January 2022 the Canadian government implemented illegal vaccine mandates on truckers.
  • If the truck drivers did not have their Covid vaccines, mandatory 10 days quarantine upon entry.
  • A 10 day quarantine requirement would mean truckers could only work 2-3 days a month.
  • Protests were incited because of these illegal vaccine mandates being enforced on Canadians.
  • Trudeau took dramatic steps, enacting the Emergencies Act, to squash the peaceful protests.
  • Chris Carbert & Tony Olienick convicted of mischief & possession of weapons for a dangerous purpose.
  • The men’s few weapons were legally purchased & registered, but in the vicinity of the protest.
  • The men were not brandishing the weapons.
  • Tony charged for having an explosive device at his residence 2 hours away in Claresholm.
  • Friends & family are working with lawyers to bring about an appeal for Chris & Tony.
  • Ray McGinnis, “What was the Dangerous Purpose?,” Western Standard, August 30, 2024. Read Article
  • Going forward with an appeal, the families had to raise $12k to pay for the court transcripts.
  • The two men have been in custody for 2.5 years, equivalent to 4 years with the 1.5 to 1 ratio.
  • The Lethbridge court house is stating they need permission from a judge to release the transcripts.
  • The men initially charged with Conspiracy To Commit MURDER of RCMP officers. Ridiculous.
  • Ray McGinnis, “Coutts Two Verdict: Bail and Mischief,” Epoch Times, August 28, 2024
  • Typically the courts are speedy with getting criminals into court, but this trial unbelievably took 2.5 years.
  • In Canada, our legal system is now “guilty until proven innocent” when it should be the opposite.
  • Why were the men not given the opportunity to have a bail hearing after 2.5 years?
  • At the Coutts blockade, there was a slowing down of traffic, but also 8 days without hindrance.
  • In 2020 there was an Indigenous protest in Canada, with 5 weeks of shutdown of railway, highways etc..
  • Trudeau tolerant of the Indigenous protests, but smeared the participants of the Trucker’s Convoy as Nazis?
  • Trudeau government did not have any discussions with the truckers despite their requests.
  • Trudeau then recognizes a bonafide SS Nazi Yaroslav Hunka, in Parliament, with a standing ovation.
  • Marilyn Burns, a civil lawyer, was taking on her first criminal case with having Tony as a client.
  • Why couldn’t Tony have an experienced criminal lawyer to help his case?
  • Lawyers who did help defend protesters found their business heavily affected, losing clients & contracts.
  • There are political overtones throughout the case, but if the defence mentions this, is chastised.
  • Why was the crown still introducing ‘new’ information right up till the last second before jury deliberation?
  • The judge’s last words to the jury included that he had changed his mind over time during the trial.
  • When the judge came back for the week of sentencing the judge’s positive tone came negative.
  • Len feels the government failed in their restrictions & illegal mandates, needed to punish the protesters.
  • It’s clear the FBI, RCMP etc. are working against the average citizen.
  • SARS-Covid-2 was created in a military lab, not a wet market in Wuhan. This is germ warfare.
  • Bill C-63 is the Canadian government’s attempt to have complete control of Canadians on the internet.
  • The government wants to be able to enforce mandatory vaccinations.
  • Where was the scientific proof that these vaccines were safe, before they were brought into Canada.
  • October 26, 2020 is when the Canadian government signed a contract with Pfizer to supply vaccines.
  • At the time of contract, the Canadian government knew Pfizer was not able to prove their effectiveness.
  • With all of the different blood types etc., how could one vaccine be a fit for all?
  • Ray recently attended a 3 day National Citizens Enquiry in Surrey this past October 17-19th.
  • Rodney Palmer “Testimony at National Citizens Inquiry,” March 31, 2023, the Nazi allegations against protesters
  • Children in Canada who took the Covid vaccines are not doing well, there is a real health crisis.
  • Stats Canada all cause mortality for children (ages 5-9) has risen from 8.2/100,000 to 10.4/100,000.
  • 75% of 12-17 year olds suffered side effects from the Covid vaccines, 20% had serious side effects.
  • Depression has doubled in children since the illegal lockdowns, youth suicide is 3rd current cause of death.
  • Why are people still saying “it can’t be the vaccine” despite the explosion of deaths?
  • Insurance companies have noted the extreme increase of deaths & injuries following the injections.
  • Only 1/3 of Canadian children are getting the recommended physical activity each day.
  • 9-13 year olds diets are made up of 60% ultra processed foods leading to disease & death.
  • How can we allow babies as young as 6 months to be taking these dangerous CoVid vaccines?
  • If the first 3 or 4 shots didn’t work, why are people taking boosters?
  • Canadian politicians & health authorities remain silent & complicit.
  • “CDC Director tells Wolf Blitzer that COVID Vaccines won’t prevent Transmission,” CNN, August 6, 2021. Video Here
  • Why do 1 in 4 children or teens in Canada feel lonely? Did masks & isolation cause this disconnect?
  • Ray recommends reading ‘Cause Unknown’ by Edward Dowd.
  • “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 – 2023, (Children’s Health Defense, 2024). Read Here
  • Requirements for truckers entering Canada in effect as of January 15, 2022 – Canada.ca


#1221 – Vince Palamara


  • Author and researcher of six books on the JFK assassination and the Secret Service. His blogspot
  • Palamara video page Youtube Channel
  • Kindle version available now in the US, softcover to be released November 8th.
  • His new book available on amazon.com Purchase Here
  • 1st book published on the JFK assassination plot in Chicago.
  • Vince started to receive mysterious phone calls from Florida regarding SA Nemo Ciochina.
  • Nemo communicated with Vince disclosing his memories of the agents & suspects from 1963.
  • Mary Ferrell Foundation & National Archives documents confirm Lloyd John Wilson’s existence.
  • Nemo passed away June 25, 2023, enabling Vince to write about the secrets Nemo revealed to Vince.
  • Since 1998, Vince searches for obituaries of Secret Service agents, updating his research.
  • Nemo revealed the name Lloyd John Wilson as being considered a threat to JFK prior to 11/22/63.
  • Agents who reported on Wilson were relocated to different SS offices, leaving the White House detail.
  • Vince feels the agents being shifted around indicate that Lloyd John Wilson was a ‘moving threat’
  • There are multiple pre 11/22/63 SS reports, Vince mentions the various threats on JFK in his new book.
  • If the Secret Service was aware of the dangers facing JFK, where was his security in Dallas?
  • Vince’s recent findings help corroborate testimony made by SA Abraham Bolden.
  • Before the assassination, Abraham Bolden was investigating Puerto Rican subjects of interest.
  • These Puerto Rican subjects of interest were convicted in the 1950’s for a shootout in Congress.
  • March 23, 1963 the SS were reporting that there were Puerto Rican snipers hunting JFK in Chicago.
  • Bullet hole found in the door of the helicopter where JFK normally sat!
  • Abraham Bolden imprisoned due to his investigations & speaking out on JFK’s assassination.
  • Len appreciates learning new information that goes against the MSM’s version of events.
  • Basic questions about the recent Trump assassination.
  • Vince includes information about Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks in his foreword.
  • This is the 1st book to talk about the Trump assassination attempt, Vince goes over what went wrong.
  • The shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is from the same city in Pennsylvania as Vince.
  • Now that Nemo has died, Vince is no longer sworn to secrecy.
  • SA Paul Landis reported to the Warren Commission he felt bullets were coming from in front of JFK.
  • In Landis book published 2023, he misleads readers, with direct conflict of his 2 WC reports (not testimony)
  • Harry Livingstons book ‘Killing The Truth’ does not disclose the true identity of his secret source.
  • Vince makes sure he has all sources mentioned in his books for transparency for researchers.
  • Vince’s book includes photos & articles he came across reading old newspapers on Newspapers.com.
  • Why did SA Glen Bennett lie to the HSCA about being in JFK’s motorcades on the Florida trip?
  • Clint Hill came out with his book ‘Mrs. Kennedy & Me’ in 2012, mentioning SA Glen Bennett.
  • Bennett was an intelligence agent who monitored threats to the President
  • Protective Research Agents typically don’t ride on the motorcades. Why was Bennett there?
  • SA Glenn Bennett’s parents spoke to reporters, confirming Bennett’s presence on the Florida trip.
  • Len & Vince agree it’s incredible that anyone still believes Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin.
  • Smart researchers have realized that the Warren Commission report is heavily compromised.


#1220 – Paul Bleau, Jefferson Morley, Dr. David Mantik


  • Paul Bleau discusses his book “Chokeholds”
  • New Research in JFK assassination and regime change of the 1950s and 60s
  • From Operation Gladio to Iran Contra many of the same players…
  • Capa conference Update
  • New book from Paul Abbott Death To Justice
  • Paul recently returned from France where he visited the radio station in Berlitz.
  • Paul had a copy of Chokeholds that he took with him to the radio station, helping secure an interview.
  • The French are still very interested in the JFK assassination research & curious about Trump.
  • All of the towns that Paul visited, had a Kennedy St., Kennedy Blvd., Kennedy Rd., etc..
  • Jim has invited Paul to speak on a panel at the CAPA upcoming conference in Dallas this November.
  • Paul is also a confirmed returning speaker at the 2024 Lancer conference in Dallas.
  • Paul is involved in a joint research project with Jeff Meek & Dave Boylan.
  • Over 100 JFK researchers who are extremely knowledgeable participated in a survey.
  • Information collected from the survey focused on the who, why, how, timeline etc..
  • There are several personal interviews with researchers & authors discussing the survey data.
  • Information was also collected from historic JFK investigators like Gaeton Fonzi, Garrison, Prouty etc..
  • 2019’s petition describes the skeleton of the assassination & had over 2,500 supporting signatures.
  • The people who signed the petition feel the JFK assassination was a change of regime.
  • Dave Boylan has created ORC charts for the people of interest in 1963 including intelligence agencies.
  • The same compromised people keep popping up repeatedly in global events.
  • There were approximately 20 different regime changes from Operation Gladio to the Iran Contra.
  • David Atlee Phillips was a “regime changer”, participating in Guatemala, the Bay of Pigs, JFK, etc..
  • Paul Abbott created a master index for the Garrison files, a very valuable tool for researchers.
  • Len offers the Jim Garrison files & Pauls spreadsheets for FREE! Just email him!
  • Look for the upcoming book by Paul Abbott, ‘Death To Justice, The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald’.
  • Paul breaks down who & where everyone was located during the Oswald assassination.
  • How was Jack Ruby helped in his mission to silence Lee Harvey Oswald? Who helped him?
  • What was Lee Harvey Oswald’s path to the police basement on November 24, 1963?
  • Why are the depictions of Ruby by the Warren Commission & the HSCA so different?
  • Jefferson Morley was in contact with whistleblower(s) regarding secret JFK files.
  • In the secret files, there is a section regarding Oswald & Mexico City back in September 1963.
  • Paul Paterni, James Angleton & Warren Commission liason were all OSS friends.
  • Trump & Biden both broke the law by not declassifying remaining JFK files.
  • The ARRB was supposed to have access to all of the JFK files, yet CIA still hid documents.
  • Trump told Judge Andrew Napolitano that he was unable to release the remaining classified JFK files.
  • Why are students currently being mislead & deceived about JFK assassination history?

    Part Two @1:05 Jefferson Morley

  • Whistle blower admits a room “full JFK files”
  • Source admits CIA meant to deliberatly decieve the public and researchers
  • Read Article Here
  • CIA behind the cover-up of the assassination
  • James Clapper lied to all of America – no one bats an eye
  • New online course from Jefferson Details Here
  • The Oswald File
  • CIA operators who monitored Oswald’s movements from 1959 to 1963.

    Part Three starts @ 01:28:13

  • Dr. David Mantik to speak at Details Here
  • His website The Mantik View
  • Pays tribute to Dr. Cyril Wecht
  • Dr. Mantik latest book The Final Analysis:
  • Discusses the source for Jefferson Morley’s article
  • CIA office in Herndon Virginia holds records for the assassination
  • He was SCIF employee for the CIA
  • CIA was worried about Dan Hardway
  • George Joaniddies called out retirement to hide the truth of CIA involvement
  • Dr. Mantik wants the source to reveal more, as he know the source !


#1219 – Glenda Devaney, Flecther Prouty


  • Glenda discusses this years CAPA conference
  • capa-us.org
  • Glenda & Len reminisce about the passing of Dr. Cyril Wecht.
  • COPA created by John Judge & Dr. Cyril Wecht is now CAPA,
  • There is an annual JFK memorial every November 22 on the grassy knoll.
  • CAPA’s 2024 Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Dallas.
  • Oswald Panel, discussing the locations of Oswald during the assassination.
  • Oswald Panel includes Steve Jaffe (by Zoom), Andy Kiel & Matt Crumpton (by Zoom).
  • Prouty documentary produced by Len Osanic & Jeff Carter to be shown.
  • Short file featuring the Dealey Tramps will be viewed.
  • Tribute to Dr. Wecht by Dr. David Mantik & film viewing of ‘The Rant’.
  • The Magic Bullet – More Magical Than We Knew? by Dr. Gary Aguilar.
  • JFK Records Panel discuss latest information from Mark Adamcyzk, Andrew Kreig, & Larry Schnapf.
  • Discussion regarding the missing information from the Warren Report with Dr. David Montague.
  • Bryan Edwards & Gary Shaw discuss Roscoe White & the possibility he was the grassy knoll shooter.
  • Breech of Trust (How the Warren Commission failed the nation & why) by Gerald McKnight.
  • Doug Horne discusses ‘How We Know The Zapruder Film Was Altered’.
  • Dr. David Mantik discusses his book, ‘The Final Analysis’.
  • End of Innocence author John Young, discusses professional assassins in Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22/63.
  • Did you know there was a second arrest in the Texas Theatre when & where Oswald was arrested?
  • Oswald’s Russian friend, Prof. Titovetz will speak about Oswald in Russia & answer questions.
  • All of the previous CAPA conferences are on the CAPA website.Part Two
  • Documerntary Filmaker released Col Prouty interview from 1989
  • Rare Fletcher Prouty interview released Watch Here
  • JOHN EDGINTON DOCUMENTARIES his youtube channel with many other interviews


#1218 – Jim DiEugenio


  • Jim suggests people read the books:Betting On The Africans by Philip E. Muehlenbeck.
  • JFK: Ordeal in Africa by Richard D. Mahoney, The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
  • King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild, Who Killed Hammerskjold? by Susan Williams.
  • CAPA conference in Dallas approaching fast!
  • September 27th is the 60th anniversary of the release of the Warren Commission.
  • NBC & CBS ran special programming the day the Warren Commission released
  • CBS coached the witnesses before being recorded.
  • 26 volumes of hearing transcripts & depositions released two months later.
  • When JFK was assassinated, 75% of the public believed the government, this decreased steadily.
  • Many people don’t know how much Kennedy supported & cared about the independence of Africa.
  • JFK was the first President to campaign on the behalf of Africa, making his famous speech in 1957.
  • JFK chairman of the subcommittee for the African Foreign Relations committee.
  • In just 50 years of Belgium control, 50% of the African population was eliminated.
  • England, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France & Portugal all had controlling interests by 1900’s.
  • Berlin Conference held by Prince Bismark in 1884 significant in organized takeover.
  • Congo was the 2nd largest country in Africa, & the 11th largest country in the world.
  • International Congo Society formed by Leopold II, in his quest to obtain natural resources of Congo.
  • Congo controlled by Leopold II from 1885-1908 & then annexed by Belgium as a formal colony.
  • Leopold II encouraged US to back up annexation of Congo.
  • Ho Chi Minh appealed to Harry Truman to stop France from returning to Vietnam.
  • Roosevelt wanted to end the Imperialism.
  • US backed CIA installed DIEM government & Operation Vulture.
  • Richard Nixon idolized John Foster Dulles.
  • In 1954 JFK first heard about Operation Vulture & was vehemently opposed.
  • SEATO – South East Treaty Organization created by Dulles to utilize in takeover of Vietnam.
  • Diplomats started to go around Dulles & Eisenhower, seeking out JFK to help with Africa.
  • When JFK was touring in 1959, he brought up the issues in Africa often, over 400 times.
  • Eisenhower felt the Africans were unsophisticated & lacked intelligence to run their countries.
  • After Kennedy was elected, he tried to buy independence for the Congo.
  • Dag Hammarskjold sent in UN troops to help protect Lumumba but to no avail.
  • After Lumumba was assassinated, Hammarskjold was assassinated & then JFK.
  • When Belgium pulled out of Congo, their intention was a swift withdrawal to incite extreme chaos.
  • Unknown to Lumumba, the Belgium government had transferred Congo gold reserve to Brussels.
  • Oliver Stone originally wanted Brando for the part of Mr. X in his JFK movie, not Donald Sutherland.
  • Both Garrison & Zach Sklar told Oliver Stone to get in contact with Fletcher Prouty.
  • Donald Sutherland the original producer of Executive Action, securing funding for the film.
  • Sutherland came all the way from Canada to do the narration for Oliver Stone’s JFK film.
  • Late November of 1964, the 1st combat troops sent to Vietnam
  • Kennedy told the British that he would not be backing the Imperial Policy anymore.
  • The CIA sent two assassins to murder Lumumba.
  • They kept the murder of Lumumba secret from JFK. Why?
  • Famous photo of JFK taken on February 13, 1961 as JFK informed about Lumumba’s murder.
  • When JFK was assassinated, his Congo policy was buried with him.


#1217 – Chad Nagle


  • RFK Jr. and the Unspeakable: Why This Historic Moment Matters Article
  • Chad Nagle Substack page JFK: American History and the Memory Hole
  • First JFK Facts article: The CIA’s Sinister ‘Transparency Plan’ for JFK Files
  • Article about the Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit: JFK Researchers Appeal for Justice in Federal Court
  • Trail of Destruction series on JFK Facts: Trail of Destruction: The Shredded JFK Files
  • Article – The American Conservative in May 2023 about RFK Jr: The Courage of RFK Jr.
  • Trump has previously stated he doesn’t think the remaining assassination JFK files can be released.
  • Chad explains why RFK Jr. suspended his campaign in August 2024.
  • JFK Facts on Substack is hosted by Jefferson Morley.
  • Jefferson Morley is the Vice President of the Mary Ferrell Foundation.
  • The Mary Ferrell Foundation has current federal litigation against the Biden administration.
  • Chad has served as a legal affairs correspondent for JFK Facts
  • Chad is volunteering as a researcher for the Mary Ferrell Foundation
  • RFK Jr.’s recent endorsement of Trump inspired Chad to write his latest article on Kennedys & King.
  • Chad’s article “The Courage of RFK Jr.” posted in The American Conservative in May 2023.
  • The American Conservative just published a pro ‘Trump Is The Liberal Candidate’ article.
  • Kamala Harris & the Biden administration have been restricting freedom & censoring dissenting views.
  • People in UK being fined, arrested & jailed in the UK for their posts on social media.
  • RFK Jr. has ran his campaign on a platform of revamping the public health system & anti-censorship.
  • RFK Jr. feels the Democrats are now ‘The Party of War’. Politics have become completely toxic.
  • Pharmaceutical companies are able to directly advertise to consumers with constant TV advertisements.
  • Len reflects on the ads on TV made to entice people into trying dangerous drugs & medical procedures.
  • Vaccines are designed to create a sick & disabled society, creating constant revenue for Big Pharma.
  • Lopsided ad revenue controlling editorial lines & media messages, programming people.
  • The ‘Forever Wars’ – corrupt merger of state & corporate power is deeply entwined US foundation.
  • RFK Jr. the only Kennedy member rejecting the government version of the Kennedy assassinations.
  • Oliver Stone documentaries in 2021 put RFK Jr. front & centre.
  • Chad started to volunteer with the RFK Jr. campaign in 2023 and collected signatures for ballot access in 2024.
  • War in Ukraine is a defacto money laundering exercise.
  • Chad lived in the Ukraine back in 2001 & 2002, watching the elections.
  • RFK Jr. shut out of the campaign by the Biden Administration.
  • Why did RFK’s supporters do a 180 and vote for George Wallace after his assassination?
  • Chad helps to dispel rumour about RFK announcing his candidacy AFTER LBJ dropped out.
  • It was a historic moment recently in Arizona when Trump very graciously introduced RFK Jr. on stage.
  • Trump disappointed people in 2017 by postponing disclosure of the remaining JFK documents.
  • Once in office, Biden tried to bury the JFK Records Act, keeping the JFK files locked up.
  • Trump is now promising to release the JFK records if reelected. Can we trust him?
  • Chad lacks faith in executive branch commission investigations concerning the JFK assassination.
  • The federal law suit by the MFF is to force the federal archives to comply with the JFK Records Act.
  • Have all Presidents been cyphers of sorts after JFK was assassinated?
  • Will recent assassination attempts on Trump inspire him to follow through by releasing JFK’s records?
  • Why are the current Presidential candidates so unqualified? These are our choices?
  • Why were there over 200 FBI agents dressed up as Trump supporters at the January 6th event in 2021?
  • Why were the FBI planting pipe bombs the night before?! Russia Gate was phony!?
  • Len reflects on how after time passes & events are investigated that you realize everything is FRAUD.
  • Kamala kept prisoners found to be innocent in prison to ensure secured slave labour.
  • Hunter Biden was receiving lucrative kickbacks from the Ukraine! No repercussions!
  • A complete cover up of Hunter Biden’s confiscated laptop, it was never Russian disinfo.
  • The Neocons despise Trump because of his popularity, independence & nationalism.
  • The crowds who gather for Trump are incredible! The public support for Trump is undeniably amazing!
  • The rise of the Neocons was due to the George Bush Jr. Regime during the mid 90’s – 2000’s.
  • Bush family imposed their imperialism all over the world, creating constant war based on lies.
  • Will Chad’s support of Trump cause conflict in his professional relationships in the JFK community?
  • Trump derangement syndrome…
  • Arms lobbyists can’t handle it when Trump declares he wants to end support to proxy war in Ukraine.
  • Trump supporters have been polite & positive while Biden supporters have been irrational!
  • Chad recommends RFK Jr’s book ‘The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race’.
  • The MSN have made themselves completely irrelevant, consequences of spewing lies & garbage.
  • Chad took a brave stand on principle, declining to take the mandated Covid vaccines.
  • Listen to Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Russell Brand & Jimmy Dore. who haven’t promoted Covid lies.
  • Chad discusses how Wikipedia is a website where the narrative & profiles are government controlled.
  • In the 70’s the Swine Flu vaccines were withdrawn early after reports came in of deaths & injuries.
  • Ronald Reagan vaccine injury act in the 1980’s ensured immunity for manufacturers.
  • The vaccine roll outs have increased the National debt, without even been found safe or effective.
  • The younger generation will never be able to pay off the federal debt for the vaccines, let alone interest.
  • Chad feels the experimental DNA altering Covid vaccines were popular because they were free.
  • Len regrets hearing about A-symptomatic lies that were used to pressure people to take the vaccines.
  • If you dare to question any vaccines you’re made out to be a kook or a nut.
  • Who voted for Kamala? She’s just not a popular figure.
  • Saudi Arabia enacted a universal vaccine mandate for every person in the kingdom in 2021.
  • Can you name another industry where if something bad happens, you can’t sue the manufacturer?
  • People were generally fearful of Covid, because of the lies being repeated by government & media.
  • Chad learns about what’s happening in Canada from attorney Ray McGinnis on Black Op Radio.
  • RFK Jr. feels his vocal cord problem stems from a vaccine injury. Will he be able to make a difference?
  • Trump had high turnover in his cabinet as he took control.
  • JFK author David Talbot had been writing articles for the Kennedy Beacon until his stroke.
  • We don’t have to constantly respond to fear. It feels like people have collectively lost their senses.
  • Chad is able to visit the National Archives twice a week living close by.
  • Chad once lived in Ukraine, from 2001-2002, covering human rights issues.
  • Putin pointed out to George Bush Jr. in 2008 that the US is not a real country. Do you understand why?
  • Do we accept that what happened on November 22, 1963 was a defacto coup d’etat?