Author and researcher Gerald McKnight passed away on Jan 30th, 2021 FREE Borrowable Ebook: Breach of Trust by Gerald D. McKnight FREE Borrowable Ebook: The Last Crusade: MLK, FBI and the Poor People’s Campaign by Gerald D. McKnight Gerald was responsible for making the Harold Weisberg archive available online Gerald was a professor of history at Hood College […]
Author Archives: David
#1027 – Vince Palamara, Jim DiEugenio
Author of four books Book: Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy: Paperback, Kindle Book: JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda: The Ultimate Kennedy Assassination Compendium: Paperback, Kindle Book: The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR to Kennedy Assassination to Reagan Era: Paperback, Kindle Book: Who’s Who in the Secret Service: History’s Most Renowned Agents: Paperback, Kindle Vince’s website: Blog: Vince’s YouTube channel, Facebook […]
#1026 – Mark Adamcyzk, Dave Ratcliffe, Jim DiEugenio
Article: Trump, Biden and the JFK Act: Something Can and Should be Done by Mark Adamczyk Article: JFK Records Release: Why the Redactions? The release of the last batch of the JFK files postponed by Trump If Oswald was the lone assassin, there is no reason to withold the files These files prove that what happened in […]
#1025 – Ken Lawrence, Laurie Dusek
Ken Lawrence is a freelance writer at Previously called Covert Action Information Bulletin Co-founded by Ellen Ray and Bill Schaap who published Jim Garrison’s On the Trail of the Assassins Other co-founders include Philip Agee, James Wilcott, Louis Wolf Listen to co-founder Louis Wolf’s interview by David Giglio ( Ken wrote a regular column for Covert Action Information […]
#1024 – Jim DiEugenio
The Capitol raided by Trump supporters What if today’s protest was carried out by Black Lives Matters? FREE Download Ebook: Seven Days in May by Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey: Read Online, Download PDF Angela Berry is the new attorney for Sirhan Sirhan’s parole hearing on March 12, 2021 Article: Sirhan’s Upcoming Parole Hearing by Jim DiEugenio Sirhan was very […]
#1023 – Gerald McKnight
Gerald taught in Frederick, MD, where researcher Harold Weisberg lived Original airdate: May 30, 2013 They developed a relationship which turned into a preoccupation Today we are an empire, our republic is in pretty sad shape Gerald’s Breach of Trust (2005), now in paperback Oswald was put on the docket 25 minutes after JFK was pronounced […]
#1022 – Jim DiEugenio
Upcoming episodes with Jesse Ventura, Muneer Sirhan and Laurie Dusek Jesse Ventura to talk about CIA murder squads in the middle-east Letter writing campaign for Sirhan Sirhan whose parole hearing is scheduled in March “Meet the new boss same as the old boss” At Kennedys and King Steven Gillon’s article in The Washington Post Article: Steven Gillon: […]
#1021 – Rob Couteau, Roberta Marks
Roberta Marks is the daughter of Stanley J. Marks Book: Murder Most Foul by Stanley J. Marks Book: Two Days Of Infamy by Stanley J. Marks Marks authored more than 20 books Book: The Bear that Walks Like a Man by Marks The Stanley Marks Revival: The Prophecies of Murder Most Foul! and Two Days of Infamy Marks was blacklisted by […]
#1020 – Alan Dale
Author of the new book The Devil is in the Details: Paperback, Kindle Dale serves as the Executive Director of Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC) This book is a collection of ten transcribed conversations between Alan Dale and Malcolm Blunt How Alan Dale got interested in the case FREE Download Ebook: Six Seconds in Dallas (PDF) by Josiah […]
#1019 – Greg Poulgrain, Jim DiEugenio
Book: JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia by Greg Poulgrain: Paperback, Kindle Book: Economists with Guns by Bradley Simpson: Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle The US policy in Indonesia changed after Kennedy’s assassination Jim reviews Vincent Bevins’ book The Jakarta Method The American media was supportive of the coup and the new President Suharto Suharto was on the cover of Time magazine (July 15, 1966) 1-2 […]