#1048 – Jim DiEugenio



#1047 – April Oliver


  • April Oliver – Producer of “Valley Of Death”
  • Original show #5 May 25th/2000
  • The story of “Operation Tailwind” first aired on CNN.
  • Fired along with Jack Smith by CNN caved to pressure of boycott from the military.
  • Despite months of research, on-camera interviews, depositions to buttress their investigative reporting…
  • CNN Settles Lawsuit With Operation Tailwind Producer

    Part Two – In this rare interview April and Jack detail their well researched report on US. Military gassing deserters in Vietnam with Sarin gas. Then CNN caved in to pressure, called the story false, put a gag order on them both, and fired the reporters.

    The gutless cave in of CNN was almost as bad as the reporter who tries to get them to stop the story. April and Jack sued for wrongful dismissal on the threat that they would make public their research. with a gag order in place the story may be forgotten unless… we study just what they had discovered, that the US government sent assassination squads to gas American military deserters in Vietnam.

    Hear April reveal that after the show aired, servicemen called in to reveal other similar missions. These leads were followed and interviews were video taped but CNN will never air them. Don’t let this story disappear as CNN would have it forgotten.


#1046 – Dr. Michael Marcades, Jim DiEugenio



#1045 – Jim DiEugenio



#1044 – Vince Palamara, John Barbour


  • Author of five books
  • Book: Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President KennedyPaperbackKindle
  • Book: JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda: The Ultimate Kennedy Assassination CompendiumPaperbackKindle
  • Book: The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR to Kennedy Assassination to Reagan EraPaperbackKindle
  • Book: Who’s Who in the Secret Service: History’s Most Renowned AgentsPaperbackKindle
  • Book: Honest Answers about the Murder of President John F. KennedyPaperbackKindle
  • Vince’s website: www.vincepalamara.com
  • Blog: www.vincepalamara.blogspot.com
  • New book by Carol Leonnig: Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service
  • The JFK section of the book is pretty disappointing
  • Leonnig relies on accounts of agents like Clint Hill
  • She takes their word on face value; no investigative reporting
  • Gerald Blaine put the blame on Kennedy for not having agents at the back of the car
  • “The Secret Service was the only boss that the President of the United States had” – President Truman
  • Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton also said the same thing
  • The Secret Service can overrule even the President when it comes to his own security
  • “He can tell you what he wants done and he can tell you certain things but that doesn’t mean you have to do it.
    What we used to do was always agree with the President and then we’d do what we felt was best anyway.”

    – Clint Hill, Sixth Floor Oral History
  • The only agency which can give orders to the President – the secret service – may make much greater use of this
    perogative in the future
     – AP report, Nov 25, 1963: see here
  • Vince Palamara reviews Gerald Blaine’s book The Kennedy Detail
  • An acquaintance of Agent Gerald Blaine tried to have Vince fired from his job
  • The new book Honest Answers has a massive bibliography on the JFK case
  • Shadow banning
  • Watch The Men Who Killed Kennedy online: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9
  • Download The Men Who Killed Kennedy (MP4): Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9
  • Video: ZERO FAIL – EPIC FAIL: massive JFK motorcade compilation by Vince
  • Part B: John Barbour; beginning at 47:23
  • New book by John: The Wittiest Man in America …is a Canadian!PaperbackKindle
  • The American Media & The Second Assassination of President John F. KennedyiTunesAmazonVimeo
  • Book: Your Mother’s Not a Virgin! by John Barbour: PaperbackKindle
  • Video: The Garrison Tapes
  • Sheldon Skolnick and Mae Brussell helped Jim Garrison
  • Video: The Last Word on the JFK Assassination
  • Larry Flynt offered $1 million for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Kennedy’s assassin
  • Video: John Barbour – On Turning 88 Today
  • We no longer have the fairness doctrine anymore in the US
  • Video: Jim Garrison’s response to the NBC hatchet job
  • There’s no more news in the US, we only have opinions
  • Video: Burt Reynolds – Best Interview Ever!


#1043 – Larry Schnapf, Mark Adamcyzk, Jim DiEugenio



#1042 – Merchants of Menace


  • Peter Butt is the author of Merchants of Menace: The True Story of the Nugen Hand Bank Scandal
  • American war hero Michael Hand and Australian lawyer Frank Nugan established Nugan Hand Bank in 1973
  • In 1980, Frank Nugan was found dead under mysterious circumstances
  • Michael Hand disappeared without a trace
  • A dozen investigations (including one by FBI) failed to get to the bottom of the case
  • Peter Butt began his 4-year investigation of the Nugen Hand saga in 2011
  • The bank was involved in drug trafficking, running guns, money laundering for drug syndicates and the CIA
  • Frank Nugen’s body was found in his car, at 4 am in the morning
  • Apparently he committed suicide using his rifle
  • There were no fingerprints found on the rifle
  • Visiting card of CIA Director William Colby was found
  • Michael Hand ordered the destruction of bank’s records
  • Nugen and Hand’s background
  • Bernie Houghton
  • Doug Sapper, Hand’s friend from special ops
  • Hong Kong branch of the Nugen Hand bank
  • Michael Hand resigned from the bank in 1975 and went to South Africa
  • Hand was a former CIA paramilitary officer
  • All operations in Laos were controlled by the CIA
  • Gerald Ford fired CIA Director William Colby in January 1976
  • Three years later, Colby became legal advisor to the Nugan Hand bank
  • In March 1976, Hand returned to the bank
  • Niel Evans ran the Chiang Mai branch of the Nugen Hand Bank
  • Most of the money that went to the bank in Chiang Mai was drug money
  • The Chiang Mai branch was next to the DEA office
  • According to Evans, both the CIA and the DEA knew what the bank was doing
  • The deal between the Nugen Hand bank and the CIA
  • The start of the decline of the bank
  • The Narcotics Bureau investigation of the bank
  • Frank Nugen used the depositors’ money to decorate his home and buy cars for the bank’s staff
  • In May 1978, Frank and his brother Ken Nugen were arrested
  • In the latter half of 1978, General Erle Cocke ran Nugan Hand Bank’s Washington office
  • Cocke had decades of experience moving money for CIA, FBI and other US government agencies
  • The Iranian revolution of 1979 and the Nugan Hand bank
  • General Edwin F. Black, President of Nugan Hand’s Hawaii branch
  • CIA airline Air America
  • “Nugan Hand had enough generals, admirals and spooks to run a small war” – Jonathan Kwitny
  • FREE Borrowable EbookThe Crimes of Patriots by Jonathan Kwitny
  • In early Jan 1980, Frank bought a rifle and an axe
  • Bernie Houghton ran the bank’s middle east branches
  • The death/murder of Frand Nugen and the disappearance of Michael Hand
  • James Spencer Oswald served with Ted Shackley (CIA) in Laos
  • Spencer made a new passport for Michael Hand
  • Spencer spent 3 weeks in Australia helping Hand in creating a new identity
  • The CIA knew where Michael Hand was after he “disappeared”
  • The Royal Commission of Inquiry found no connection to gun running or to the CIA !!
  • How Peter Butt tracked down Michael Hand in 2015
  • News article: 60 Minutes track down fugitive Michael Hand living in the US
  • Video: Tracking down the most wanted fugitive behind Nugan Hand bank collapse


#1041 – Mark Adamcyzk, Andrew Kreig, Jim DiEugenio



#1040 – Joseph Backes, Larry Schnapf



#1039 – Frank Dorrel, Jim DiEugenio