- Milestone episode: 1000th Show of Black Op Radio
- 3:09: Previously unreleased audio of John Judge
- 10:31: Governor Jesse Ventura on running for President and red lives matter too
- Video: Putin on US interfering in other countries
- When Gov. Ventura met Fidel Castro in Cuba and talked about the JFK assassination
- 42:03: Oliver Stone on his upcoming documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed
- Vietnam was not Kennedy’s war
- 53:48: Zachary Sklar, editor of Jim Garrison’s book On the Trail of the Assassins
- Also co-wrote the screenplay of the movie JFK with Oliver Stone
- 1:08:03: James Douglass, author of JFK and the Unspeakable
- Bob Dylan’s new song/poem on the JFK assassination: Murder Most Foul
- Douglass working on a new book about Malcolm, King and RFK
- 1:17:35: Douglas Horne, author of Inside the ARRB
- The Zapruder film is altered but not entirely fake
- Video: The Zapruder Film Mystery featuring Doug Horne and Shane O’Sullivan
- Listen to this amazing 2-hour episode featuring Doug Horne about the Pearl Harbor attack
- Books: Deception, Intrigue, and the Road to War by Horne: Vol.1, Vol.2
- 1:31:16: William Pepper, author of An Act of State
- Represented James Earl Ray and now represents Sirhan Sirhan
- Feature film on The Plot to Kill King
- 1:35:45: Vince Palamara, author of Survivor’s Guilt
- 1:45:09: Pedro Fernandez, award-winning writer, TV commentator, radio talk show host
- The bullet doesn’t match the rifle, Oswald was a paid operative of the CIA according to James Wilcott
- Testimony of James Wilcott, former employee of the CIA: Read Online, Download PDF
- Anamolies in the Zapruder film
- 1:56:55: John Armstrong, author of Harvey and Lee (2003) (.pdf)
- John’s website: www.harveyandlee.net
- The dictabelt recordings were altered / fabricated
- Oswald was arrested for murdering Tippit but wasn’t asked any questions about the Tippit murder
- 2:10:16: Gary Shaw, co-author of Cover-Up by J. Gary Shaw
- 2:17:18: Lisa Pease, author of A Lie Too Big to Fail
- And co-editor of The Assassinations with Jim DiEugenio
- Lisa Pease interviews Len Osanic about how he got started on the JFK case
- 2:30:28: Jim DiEugenio, author of Destiny Betrayed
- And The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today
- 2:38:50: Dr. Cyril Wecht
- 2:44:43: Dr. David Mantik, author of John F. Kennedy’s Head Wounds
- Mantik’s daughter is working on a documentary about the researchers
- 2:48:23: Dr. Gary Aguilar on the skull x-ray evidence which shows JFK was shot with a non-jacketted bullet
- Video: Junk Science and the Death of JFK by Dr. Gary Aguilar
- 3:03:31: Jeff Carter, co-produced 50 Reasons for 50 Years with Len
- And Postscript 1968
- 3:09:03: Anita Langley, first co-host and co-founder of Black Op Radio
- Buy the complete Season 1 of BOR for just $10 here
- 3:28:56: Mark de Valk, Senior Lecturer in Film Production at The University of Winchester
- John McAdams-Jim DiEugenio debate; listen to shows 442-444
- FREE Online Ebook: The Secret Team by Col. Prouty
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: JFK: CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate JFK by Col. Fletcher Prouty
- FREE Online Ebook: Understanding Special Operations Interview with Col. Prouty
- 3:57:26: Dave Ratcliffe, www.ratical.org
- 4:11:22: Randy Benson, filmmaker
- Producer and Director of the documentary The Searchers
- 4:20:36: Walt Brown, author of The People v. Lee Harvey Oswald
- And Treachery in Dallas (FREE Borrowable Ebook)
- 4:25:13: Joan Mellen, author of A Farewell to Justice
- 4:31:02: David Josephs
- 4:36:34: Bill Simpich, author of State Secret
- FREE Online Ebook: The Twelve Who Built the Oswald Legend by Bill Simpich
- 4:42:57: Shane O’Sullivan, author of Who Killed Bobby
- Documentary: RFK Must Die
- Brad Johnson, author of The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, passed away
- 4:48:47: John Barbour, director of The Jim Garrison Tapes
- Documentary: The American Media & The Second Assassination of President Kennedy: iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo
- 4:54:12: Paul Bleau, author of several articles on the JFK assassination
- Articles: The JFK Assassination According to the History Textbooks: Part 1, Parts 2 and 3
- The American Historical Association was founded by Skull and Bones
- Operation Mockingbird
- Articles: JFK and the Unforgivable: Part 1, Part 2, Addendum
- 5:13:29: Joseph McBride, author of Into the Nightmare
- Book: Praise from a Future Generation by John Kelin: Hardcover, Kindle
- 5:25:28: Robert Groden, author of High Treason
- Video: Robert Groden and the first public broadcast of the Zapruder Film on Geraldo Rivera’s show Good Night America
- Josiah Thompson’s new book Last Second in Dallas to be released in November
- 5:32:06: Scott Enyart, photographer present at the Ambassador Hotel the night of the RFK assassination
- 5:39:47: Pat Valentino, long-time researcher
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: Best Evidence by David Lifton
- 5:52:52: Bill Kelly, board member of CAPA
- Bill’s blogs: www.jfkcountercoup.blogspot.
com and www.jfkcountercoup2.blogspot. com - 5:58:59: Pete Johnson
- 6:04:18: Larry Hancock, author of Someone Would Have Talked
- And Nexus: The CIA and Political Assassination
- 6:11:00: Barry Ernest, author of The Girl on the Stairs
- The WC did not interview Sandra Styles
- 6:22:44: Debra Conway, www.jfklancer.com
- Book: Enemy of the Truth by Sherry Fiester: Paperback, Kindle
- 6:22:44: Douglas Valentine, author of The Phoenix Program
- And The CIA as Organized Crime
- Len Osanic remembers and pays tribute to all the guests who have passed away
- Mike Ruppert, Jim Marrs, John Judge, Paris Flammonde, Mark Lane, Shermon Skolnik, Donald Scott
- William Blum, Ted Charach, Phil Melanson, Fletcher Prouty, Aaron Russo, James Tague, Adele Edison
- Gary Webb, Brian Quig, Carl Oglesby, Dennis David, Doug Weldon, Jean Hill, Jacque Fresco
- Sterling and Betty Seagrave, Ian Griggs, Chris LeMay, Ernie Fitzgerald, Robert Blair Kaiser
- Jerry Policoff, Lynn Mangan, Rich Della Rosa, Hank Albarelli, Gaeton Fonzi, Loren Singer
- Sherry Fiester, Acharya S, Gerard Colby, Ted Gunderson, Brad Johnson
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