Vietnam was CIA from the start, 1954-1964 The military was unprepared to fight brush-fire wars Regular U.S. military was still in Europe CIA absorbed the people and methodology of the OSS Guerilla and covert wars, Army Special Forces General Erskine, Office of Special Operations, (OSO) The liaison between CIA and the military U.S. war of suppression […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
#981a – Douglas Valentine (Part 1)
Douglas Valentine’s website: Author of many books Book: TDY: Paperback, Kindle Book: The CIA as Organized Crime: Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook Book: The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam: Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook List of all books by Douglas Valentine Thallo Pictures Ltd has purchased an option on TDY The story of Valentine’s dad, a POW in World War 2 DCI William Colby introduced Valentine […]
#980b – Jim DiEugenio
Much awaited documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed Donald Sutherland, who played Mr.X in Oliver Stone’s JFK, is one of the narrators of the series Laurie Metcalf, who played Susan Cox in JFK, to be the other narrator At Kennedys and King Interesting new updates in the news section Video: Author Donald Jeffries asks Tulsi Gabbard about JFK and the Unspeakable Tulsi […]
#980a – Joe Green
Joe’s website: Buy garrison. journal Issue 004: Paperback, PDF (e-book) Joe Green has written articles for garrison. journal Joe Green to speak at the JFK Historical Group Conference Conference at Kansas City, Missouri from April 16-19, 2020 Book your tickets here Joe is currently working on a review of the Netflix doucmentary miniseries Who Killed Malcolm X? To be posted at […]
#978 – David Denton
David Denton heads the JFK Historical Group More info here Website: Conference co-organized by JFK Historical Group and Project JFK/CSI Dallas Conference at Kansas City, Missouri from April 16-19, 2020 Book your tickets here Conference to focus on the three major assassinations of the 1960s: JFK, MLK and RFK To be hosted by Brian Edwards, David Knight and Casey Quinlan […]
#977 – Jim DiEugenio
At Kennedys and King Interesting new updates in the news section Article: UN extends investigation into mysterious death of its former Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold Documentary: Cold Case Hammarskjold: Stream on Amazon, iTunes, Directv, Microsoft, Verizon, Vudu Book: Who Killed Hammarskjold? by Susan Williams: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Article: Lee Harvey Oswald’s final uncashed paycheck, up for auction Article: Forensics Journal Unintentionally Proves Conspiracy in Cover-Up of JFK Assassination by Milicent Cranor Two […]
#976 – Fletcher Prouty with David Ratcliffe
Understanding The Secret Team The National Security Act of 1947 President Truman abolished the OSS, created the National Intelligence Group A new branch of the service: the Air Force, a single Department of Defense Intelligence … wasn’t coordinated, new ways of gathering intelligence CIA is created to coordinate the intelligence of the rest of the government […]
#975b – Jim DiEugenio
At Kennedys and King Article: Destitute Cuban Studies Institute on the JFK Assassination by Arnaldo M. Fernandez Article: Public Relations and the JFK Case Mike Kilroy Article: Forensics Journal Unintentionally Proves Conspiracy in Cover-Up of JFK Assassination by Milicent Cranor “No material question now remains unresolved so far as the death of President Kennedy is concerned. True there is no […]
#975a – Pat Speer
Pat Speer’s website: Pat Speer on 50 Reasons for 50 Years: Episode 12, Episode 26 Pat’s presentation at the JFK Lancer conference in 2015 titled The Fingerprints of Myth Chapter 4d of Speer’s online ebook A New Perspective on the Kennedy Assassination Life magazine photographer Flip Schulke photographs of the sniper’s nest None of the 10 people who first got to […]
#974 – Paul Bleau
At Kennedys and King Article: Destitute Cuban Studies Institute on the JFK Assassination by Arnaldo M. Fernandez Article: Public Relations and the JFK Case Mike Kilroy Article: Vince Foster, JFK and the Rise of Chris Ruddy by Jim DiEugenio Article: Oswald’s Last Letter: The Scorching Hot Potato by Paul Bleau This article is about the last letter supposedly written by Oswald to […]