- Author and researcher David Lifton passed away
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: Best Evidence by David Lifton
- Book: Murder from Within: Lyndon Johnson’s Plot Against President Kennedy
by Fred T. Newcomb: Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle - Lifton’s new book titled Final Charade may be released soon
- David Lifton tribute videos (6 videos so far: from Vince Palamara’s channel)
- Part B: John Kelin; beginning at 18:25
- Book: Praise from a Future Generation by John Kelin: Hardcover, Kindle
- At Kennedys and King
- Article: Worse Than I Thought: A Mother In History by John Kelin
- Oliver Stone’s 1991 movie JFK: Director’s Cut (Prime)
- Jean Stafford’s book A Mother in History
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi
- Article: A Mother In History: The Stafford Archive by John Kelin
- Jean Stafford attributed made-up quotes to Marguerite Oswald in her book
- Harold Feldman and Vincent Salandria interviewed Marguerite Oswald in 1964
- Article: The Unsinkable Marguerite Oswald by Harold Feldman
- Part C: Dave Ratcliffe; beginning at 1:08:00
- David’s website: ratical.org
- New documentary on Col. Prouty by Jeff Carter and Len
- Article: Open Letter to Oliver Stone On the Wisdom of Pursuing Nuclear Power by Dave Ratcliffe
- Video: Oliver Stone interviewed by Lex Fridman
- Trailer: NUCELAR by Oliver Stone
- FREE Online Ebook: The Secret Team by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty (1973)
- FREE Online Ebook: (html version) Understanding Special Operations, And Their Impact on Vietnam War Era
1989 Interview with L. Fletcher Prouty, Colonel USAF (Retired) by David Ratcliffe (1999) - Dave’s time with John Gofman, MD, PhD
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass (2008)
See Also: segments of the book and various editions - Free Borrowable Ebook: A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House by Arthur Schlesinger (1965)
- FREE Online Ebook: History Will Not Absolve Us by Martin Schotz (1996)
- FREE Online Ebook: False Mystery: Essays on the JFK Assassination by Vincent J. Salandria (2017)
- Pandemic Parallax View: the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer
- just published third part, now completing a trilogy:
- Apprehending the False Promise of Biosecurity: Unmasking Usurpation by Fear Merchants, Nov 2020
- Conscience and The Nuremberg Code: Informed Consent, Censorship, and Inalienable Rights, Oct 2021
- History Will Not Absolve Us: Invoke the Bond With Your Creator
and Be Liberated from the United States of Denial, 8 Dec 2022
“It is so important to understand that one of the primary means of mobilizing the American people politically today
is to hold them in a state of confusion in which anything can be believed but nothing can be known and the
American people are more than willing to be held in this state because to know the truth as opposed to only
believe the truth is to face an awful terror and to be no longer able to evade responsibility. It is precisely in
moving from belief to knowledge that the citizen moves from irresponsibility to responsibility, from helpless
and hopelessness to action with the ultimate aim of being empowered and confident in one’s rational powers”
—E. Martin “Marty” Schotz
- Symposium: The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction, 2015
- Video: Ukraine Fires Missiles DEEP INTO RUSSIA (The Jimmy Dore Show)
- “It’s very easy to study propaganda about World War I or II or anything else. But it’s not so easy at all
for people to recognize the propaganda in the present day” – Dave Ratcliffe - Why The West’s Strategy in Ukraine Is So Dangerous by John Mearsheimer, et al
- Article: The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know by James F. Tracy
- Video: Maajid Nawaz on CBDCs and social credit system (The Joe Rogan Experience)
- Malthusian theory and survival of the fittest
- “And we call ourselves the human race” – JFK
- If Central Bank Digital Currencies[†]/“Smart Money”, in concert with “Vaccine Passports”[1][2], Digital IDs[1][2][3],
and Social Credit Systems[1][2][3] are implemented, we as a species will enter a digital dark age - What It Means To Be A Human Being by John Trudell
- Documentary: The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code
- The 200th anniversary of Johnson v. M’Intosh in 2023
- June 10 1963, JFK’s American University commencement address titled ‘A Strategy of Peace’
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