- Larry Schnapf’s letter to Carolyn Maloney, Chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee
- Read Larry Schnapf’s letter to Rep. Maloney here; Download PDF
- The Archivist wrote to the POTUS in March 2018 to delay the release of the files for three years
- Make sure that the agencies comply with the scheduled release of the files
- Forum shopping: the practice of litigants having their legal case heard in the court most likely
to provide a favorable judgment - The Oversight Committee has jurisdiction under the JFK Records Act
- Please write to the members of the Oversight Committee
- Free virtual conference titled “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination” by Jacob Hornberger
- Conference to begin on March 3rd with new presentations each Wednesday
- Speakers include Jim DiEugenio, Mike Swanson, Jefferson Morley, Douglas Horne, Jacob Hornberger
- More details about the conference here
- Click here to register for the conference
- Watch Jim DiEugenio’s presentation at the conference titled President Kennedy and the Third World
- Watch Mike Swanson’s presentation at the conference titled JFK, the Vietnam War and the War State
- Watch John Newman’s presentation at the conference titled JFK and the Cold War
- Listen to this amazing 2-hour episode featuring Doug Horne about the Pearl Harbor attack
- FREE Download Ebook: A Law Unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm Sullivan & Cromwell
by Nancy Lisagor and Frank Lipsius (PDF) - Larry can be reached at larry@schnapflaw.com
- Part B: Matt Douthit; beginning at 29:44
- Matt Douthit reviews the documentary Truth is the Only Client
- “If Truth was the only client, then I’d say the client was poorly served” – Bill Kelly
- How Matt got interested in the case
- Pat Speer’s incredible website: www.patspeer.com
- FREE Download Ebook: Six Seconds in Dallas by Josiah Thompson (PDF)
- The documentary presents the new and improved Oswald-did-it narrative
- The Mormon photograph was not published in the 26 volumes of the WC
- The Warren Report was debunked in 1966 by Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Tink Thompson
- FREE Download Ebook: Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF)
- Oliver Stone’s documentary series JFK: Destiny Betrayed turned down by Netflix?
- Video: Oswald stunned to learn that he’s charged with killing JFK (press conference)
- CIA Document titled Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
- Conspiracy theorists vs. Political researchers
- The documentary Truth is the Only Client has 100% score on rottentomatoes
- Matt Douthit’s facebook page: JFK: Nothing But The Truth
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