#957a – Bill Pepper


  • Bill Pepper on the stabbing of Sirhan
  • The guy who stabbed Sirhan is serving a long sentence
  • The reason for the attack is not known
  • Sirhan did not provoke the attack
  • Jeffrey Epstein was a walking timebomb
  • More info will be available after the official report is released
  • Sirhan being treated as if he were the perpetrator



#955c – Walt Brown


  • Author of The People v. Lee Harvey Oswald (FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK)
  • And Treachery in Dallas (FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK)
  • For JFK / Deep Politics Quarterly, email Walt at kiasjfk@aol.com
  • Dr. Michael Baden oversaw Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy
  • Article: Dr. Michael Baden’s deceptions by Milicent Cranor
  • Book: Judyth Vary Baker – In Her Own Words by Walt Brown: PaperbackKindle
  • The semi final issue of the JFK / Deep Politics Quarterly this August
  • The final issue to be out in November
  • The Mueller Report is this generation’s Warren Report
  • Too many people in America are living paycheck-to-paycheck
  • John Judge was not 10% as knowledgeable as he pretended to be
  • Harold Norman was underneath the sniper’s window in the TSBD
  • Norman claimed that he heard the ejected cartridges hitting the floor
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOKJFK and the Unspeakable: Why he Died and Why it Matters by James Douglass
  • JFK was killed because of who he was
  • There’s a lot of dirt beneath the veneer of American exceptionalism
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: War is a Racket by Brigadier General Smedley Butler
  • Fossil fuels are big bucks even if they kill


#955b – Andrew Kreig


  • Andrew Kreig, based in Washington DC, is a public affairs commentator, author, attorney and legal reformer
  • Andrew’s website: www.andrewkreig.com
  • Andrew is also the editor of the Justice Integrity Project at www.justice-integrity.org
  • Article: Sirhan Stabbing Revives Questions On His Safety, Innocence, and the RFK Murder Cover Up
  • The reactions of various researchers have been included in the article
  • The “Conspiracy Theory” smear is alive and well more than 50 years after the CIA popularized it
  • FREE ONLINE EBOOKThe Secret Team by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
  • Book: JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by Col. Prouty: HardcoverPaperback
  • The debate between George Orwell and Aldous Huxley
  • Book: Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters by Andrew Kreig: HardcoverPaperbackKindle
  • Every US President after Jimmy Carter had been a covert asset of either the CIA or FBI before entering politics
  • Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: www.ae911truth.org
  • University of Alaska report on the collapse of Building 7 (World Trade Center)
  • Journalist Whitney Webb’s articles: Here
  • The remarkable “coincidences” in the Jeffrey Epstein case
  • William Barr, United States Attorney General
  • Barr worked for the CIA before becoming a lawyer
  • 10 billion dollar Pentagon cloud computing contract may be awarded to Amazon
  • Amazon already has a 600 million dollar contract for cloud computing with the CIA
  • Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post for 250 million dollars
  • Michael Morell, former Deputy Director of the CIA
  • “You don’t fight tyrants cos you think you can win. You fight them because they are tyrants” – Chris Hedges


#955a – Larry Schnapf

  • Larry Schnapf is a Board Member of Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA)
  • Larry co-chairs the Legal Subcommittee with Bill Simpich
  • CAPA’s conference on 22nd and 23rd November (2019) titled ‘CAPA November in Dallas’
  • Book your seats / hotel rooms at a discounted early bird price
  • Keynote speaker at the conference: Oliver Stone
  • Oliver Stone to be honored with the CAPA Profile in Courage Award
  • Judge Brandon Birmingham also to speak at the event about the Jack Ruby trial
  • Former Warren Commission (WC) Attorney Burt Griffin to speak at the event about the Jack Ruby investigation
  • A dry run of Court of Inquiry at the event, Friday morning 9.30-11.30 AM (invitation only)
  • The first program at the event: Meet the archivists
  • Filmmakers Max Good and Alex Cox also to speak at the event
  • Bill Simpich’s presentation on the intelligence unit connections of the Dallas PD
  • Followed by a forensic panel
  • Ex-CIA Station Chief Ralph Larson to speak on how the assassination would have been done if the CIA was involved
  • Followed by John Newman’s presentation
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s website: www.americantruthnow.org
  • A Joint Statement on the Kennedy, King, and Malcolm X Assassinations and Ongoing Cover-Ups
  • Click here for the full list of signatories
  • Sign the petition here
  • The Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s Facebook page and Twitter handle
  • A new movie titled Truth was our only Client to be shown in the Texas Theatre on Sep 22
  • The movie supports the conclusions of the WC
  • CAPA and TRC will organize an event to make sure people hear both sides of the story
  • Cliff Spiegelman and William Tobin are on the forensic panel
  • Spiegelman and Tobin’s paper Chemical and forensic analysis of JFK assassination bullet lotsDownload PDF
  • “A country doesn’t get strong by pretending that things aren’t the way they are”
  • Larry can be reached at larry@schnapflaw.com


#954 – Jim DiEugenio

#953b – Dr. Cyril Wecht

  • Dr. Cyril H. Wecht is the Chairman of Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA)
  • JFK – Dr. Michael Baden called in for Jeff Epstein autopsy?
  • Dr. Baden was the chief forensic pathologist for the HSCA
  • Article: Dr. Michael Baden’s deceptions by Milicent Cranor
  • Epstein’s suicide watch was removed
  • He’s placed in a cell with an inmate who’s charged with four brutal murders
  • Epstein’s injuries as a result of suicide attempt or assault?
  • Cameras weren’t working in and around the jail cell
  • Only the conclusions of the Medical Examiner (ME) as to the cause and manner of death have been released
  • The autopsy report hasn’t been released yet
  • Why was the ME’s office in a hurry to issue the final report?
  • The ME did not attend or perform the autopsy
  • Epstein would NOT have sustained multiple fractures in the hyoid bone if he was leaning into the bedsheet
  • CAPA’s conference on 22nd and 23rd November (2019) titled ‘CAPA November in Dallas’
  • Book your seats / hotel rooms at a discounted early bird price


#953a – Jack Myers


  • At Kennedys and King: Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer by Jack Myers
  • How Jack Myers got interested in the case
  • Mark Lane’s article published on Dec 19, 1963: Oswald Innocent? A Lawyer’s Brief
  • “The thing I am concerned about is having something issued so that we can convince the public
    that Oswald is the real assassin”
    – J. Edgar Hoover on the day Oswald was killed
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in JFK Assassination by David Lifton
  • Officer Tippit’s wife received $667,000 in donation
  • David Bellin referred to the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit as “Rosetta Stone to the solution” of the JFK assassination
  • Plan A of the conspirators would not have included Ruby killing Oswlad
  • Book: Into the Nightmare by Joseph McBride: Paperback, Kindle
  • Discrepancies in the testimonies of various eyewitnesses
  • The witnesses heard more-or-less the same thing i.e. 4-5 shots in quick succession
  • Helen Markham testified that the man pulled out a pistol and shot Officer Tippit “in the wink of your eye”
  • “Eyewitness” Jack Ray Tatum came along 15 years later and testified to the HSCA that he saw Oswald shoot the cop
  • Tatum said that Oswald shot Tippit thrice and moments later shot him a fourth time
  • Other witnesses said that this couldn’t have happened as all 4 shots were in quick succession
  • “And I was within 10-15 feet of that individual and it was Lee Harvey Oswald” – Tatum
  • Video: Jack Tatum’s verison of events (as shown on PBS)
  • The shooter was likely never closer than 100 feet of Tatum’s alleged position
  • According to a study cited by the Innocence Project, after 25 feet face perception diminishes
  • At about 150 feet, accurate face identification for people with normal vision drops to zero
  • Tatum claims that he watched the incident through his rearview mirror
  • FREE DOWNLOAD EBOOK (PDF): Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher
  • Why did Officer Tippit stop his killer?
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: Rush to Judgment (1966) by Mark Lane
  • Video: Rush to Judgment (documentary)
  • Roscoe White, Dallas police officer
  • Tippit stops James Andrews’s car and searches the back seat
  • A fight occured at 12th & Marsalis a few minutes before Tippit was killed
  • Book: The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy by Harrison Livingstone
  • Livingstone reports that the fight was actually at 10th & Marsalis
  • The Dallas Police report and eyewitnesses reported that Tippit’s killer was walking west
  • John Armstrong’s book Harvey and Lee (2003) (.pdf)
  • Tippit was frequently seen in Oak Cliff
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs
  • Warren Reynolds
  • “I wanted to live” – Warren Reynolds
  • None of the witnesses saw a wallet on the ground next to Tippit’s body
  • Video: Various press appearances of Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Helen Markham’s testimony to the Warren Commission
  • Four shells and four bullets were recovered from the site of the Tippit shooting
  • The bullets did not match the shells
  • Article: The Tippit Case in the New Millennium by Jim DiEugenio
  • Jim DiEugenio’s presentation (audio): The Tippit Case in the New Millennium


#952 – Dr. Gary Aguilar

  • Dr. Gary Aguilar is a Board Member of AARC and an advisor to CAPA
  • How Dr. Aguilar got interested in the case
  • Dr. Aguilar’s challenge to those who defend the Warren Commission (WC)
  • Video: Junk Science and the Death of JFK by Dr. Gary Aguilar
  • Dr. Gary Aguilar exposes fraud in Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) articles on JFK assassination
  • Dishonest articles by WC supporters
  • Peer review means from the scientific community
  • Dr. Charles Crenshaw sued JAMA
  • George D. Lundberg, editor of JAMA till 1999
  • JAMA slanders a Parkland doctor, settles out of court, then continues lying…
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: JFK Has Been Shot: A Parkland Hospital Surgeon Speaks Out by Charles Crenshaw
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: JFK: Conspiracy of Silence by Dr. Charles Crenshaw
  • The New York Times always bows down to govt propaganda
  • Video: First public broadcast of the Zapruder Film on Geraldo Rivera’s show Good Night America
  • Zapruder Film Frame 313
  • Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez deviced the Jet Effect theory to explain the backward movement of Kennedy’s head
  • Alvarez published his theory in the American Journal of Physics, Sept 1976 issue; Download PDF here
  • Article: JFK Effect RebuttalDownload PDF here
  • Paul Hoch, a graduate student of Alvarez, took part in Alvarez’s shooting experiments
  • FREE DOWNLOAD EBOOK (PDF): Six Seconds in Dallas by Josiah “Tink” Thompson
  • Hoch had the photographs of the experiments which he sold to Tink Thompson for $250
  • Alvarez’s team shot a lot of objects which all went away from the rifle, except the watermelons
  • This was NOT reported in the American Journal of Physics article
  • “It is important to stress the fact that a taped melon was our a priori best mockup of a head & it showed retrograde
    recoil in the first test. If we had used the “Edison technique” & shot at a large collection of objects, & finally found
    one which gave retrograde recoil, then our firing experiments could reasonably be criticized.”
     – Luis Alvarez
  • Dr. John K. Lattimer revealed that Alvarez did not shoot at the melons with a mannlicher carcano rifle
  • Larry Sturdevant’s explanation of the backward movement of Kennedy’s head: Neuromuscular reaction
  • Jacketed bullet vs. soft-nosed bullet
  • Book: Hear No Evil by Donald Thomas: PaperbackKindleAudiobook
  • Zapruder’s camera jiggled around frames Frame 312 and Frame 313
  • Alvarez explains the jiggle of the camera as the result of the shock wave from Oswald’s rifle
  • But the shock wave from Oswald’s rifle could not have reached the camera in time for frame 312 or 313
    as Oswald was 270 feet away
  • A shot from behind Zapruder can explain the jiggling of the camera
  • The Clark Panel
  • Dr. Russell H. Morgan, forensic radiologist of the Clark panel
  • Dr. Morgan said that there were tiny little fragments in the skull x-ray
  • Most numerous in the right front quadrant of Kennedy’s head
  • Original autopsy x-rays vs. enhanced x-rays
  • During his HSCA testimony, Larry Sturdevant relied on enhanced x-rays which did not show bullet fragments
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: Crime of the Century by Michael L. Kurtz
  • Video: Cold Case JFK (PBS Nova)
  • Michael Haag and his father Lucien Haag and Larry Sturdivan are the experts featured by Nova
  • John McAdams was also interviews for this program
  • Lucien’s material was published in the AFTE Journal (The Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners)
  • Dr. Aguilar and Dr. Cyril Wecht responded to Lucien’s article; read here
  • Major funding for NOVA is provided by the David H. Koch Fund for Science
  • FREE BORROWABLE EBOOK: The Samson Option: Israel, America and the Bomb by Seymour Hersh
  • William Ramsey Clark, appointed by LBJ as the Attorney General of the United States
  • “Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied”
  • JFK – Dr. Michael Baden called in for Jeff Epstein autopsy?
  • Dr. Baden was the chief forensic pathologist for the HSCA
  • Article: Dr. Michael Baden’s deceptions by Milicent Cranor
  • John Stringer, the official photographer for the autopsy
  • As long as you say what has been approved, you will never be challenged by the MSM
  • Pierre Finck’s bombshell testimony at the Clay Shaw trial that there was military interference at the autopsy
  • Dr. Boswell got a call from the Justice Dept for doing MLK’s autopsy
  • Article: How Five Investigations into JFK’s Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got it Wrong by Dr. Aguilar
  • Video: Dr. Gary Aguilar debates Max Holland
  • Part 2 of the video: Warren Report: The Lone Assassin Theory
  • Dr. Robert G. Grossman and Dr. Michael Levy’s articles in the Neurosurgery journal
  • Dr. Aguilar, Dr. Wecht and Rex Bradford respond to Dr. Levy in the journal Neurosurgery (Sept 2005)
  • Anthony Lewis, The New York Times
  • Book: Kill Anything that Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam by Nick Turse: PaperbackHardcoverKindle
  • There was at least a My Lai every month
  • The Pentagon squashed the reporting of these massacres
  • The govt does not want the public to know the atrocities committed by “patriotic” Americans
  • “I don’t hate America. I hate the lies Americans tell themselves about how wonderful our country is”
  • CAPA’s conference on 22nd and 23rd November (2019) titled ‘CAPA November in Dallas’
  • Book your seats / hotel rooms at a discounted early bird price


#951b – Jim DiEugenio