- Jim is working on a review of Fred Litwin’s new book On The Trail of Delusion
- Jim’s review to be titled On the Trail of Fred Litwin
- Gerald Posner’s review of Litwin’s new book on Garrison
- At Kennedys and King
- Article: Trump, Biden and the JFK Act: Something Can and Should be Done by Mark Adamczyk
- Article: The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins by Jim DiEugenio
- Article: Nasser, Kennedy, the Middle East, and Israel by Jim DiEugenio
- The 1953 overthrow of the Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, by the Dulles brothers
- Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala overthrown in 1954
- Mossadegh was a democratically elected leader who wanted to get his country away from European imperialism
- Mossadegh nationalized the British Pertroleum company which controlled Iranian oil
- The Brits recruited the ulema/mullahs in Iran
- Operation Vulture in Vietnam
- “We have a clean base there now, without a taint of colonialism.
Dien Bien Phu was a blessing in disguise” – John Foster Dulles - Richard Nixon was the first to advocate insert American troops in Vietnam in 1954
- Foster Dulles’s series of treaties: SEATO, the Baghdad Pact (CENTO), OAS
- These were all supposed to be anti-communist
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: The Ugly American by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick
- Kennedy was very impressed by this book and bought 100 copies of it
- And sent it to everyone in the Senate
- Kennedy helped in the making of the movie based on the book
- Nasser refused to join the Baghdad pact
- Dulles then pulled the funding for the Aswan Dam project
- Nasser responded by nationalizing the Suez Canal and approached the Soviets for building the Aswan dam
- The secret plan by Britain, France and Israel and the Suez Canal crisis
- Britain and France had cofounded the canal
- Israel feared Nasser
- Eisenhower was very angry as Anthony Eden, Prime Miniser of UK, did not consult with him
- Eisenhower and Dulles decided to teach the British a lesson
- England was not leading the Western world anymore; the United States was
- After the Suez canal crisis, Eisenhower and Dulles began to court Saudi Arabia
- Nasser was a socialist and wasn’t part of a royal monarchy unlike Saudi Arabia
- Nasser ran a secular republic in Egypt which was NOT based on Islamic fundamentalism
- “We can help fulfill a great and promising opportunity to show the world that a new nation,
with an Arab heritage, can establish itself in the Western tradition and successfully withstand
both the pull toward Arab feudalism and fanaticism and the pull toward Communist authoritarianism”
– John F. Kennedy in the Senate (Algeria speech) - Full text of JFK’s Algeria speech in the Senate, 1957
- Saudi Arabia advocates Wahhabism, an extremist Islamic philosophy
- Video: Nasser on The Muslim Brotherhood and Hijabs
- Article: A Democrat Looks at Foreign Policy by John F. Kennedy, October 1957, Foreign Affairs Magazine
- Nasser arrested several leaders of Muslim Brotherhood and raided their mosques
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: Devil’s Game: How the US Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam by Robert Dreyfuss
- The British Empire backed the Muslim Brotherhood
- The cover-up of Kennedy’s foreign policy is more extensive than the cover-up following his assassination
- Kennedy appointed John S. Badeau as his ambassador to Egypt
- Badeau was the leading scholar on Egypt in the United States
- AIPAC = American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one of the most powerful lobbying groups in USA
- Nasser’s United Arab Republic (UAR)
- Libya was one of the richest countries per capita
- Hillary Clinton decided to overthrow Gaddafi
- The United States is opposed to having secularists in the Middle East
- Timber Sycamore (CIA covert op)
- Hillary Clinton is a neocon
- Kissinger was responsible for the genocides in Bangladesh, East Timor and Cambodia
- Video: Bernie Sanders calls out Hillary Clinton on taking advice from Henry Kissinger
- Kennedy did not like dealing with Saudi Arabia
- The Yemen civl war of 1962 where Nasser wanted Yemen to be a republic
- And Saudi Arabia wanted a return to monarchy
- Kennedy backed Nasser over the war in Yemen
- David Ben Gurion and Golda Meir did not want to negotiate with the Palestinians
- Israel’s nuclear reactors
- Ben Gurion wanted Israel to have nuclear weapons as a deterrent against Arab attacks/invasions
- Book: Stealing the Atom Bomb by Roger Mattson: Paperback, Kindle
- Did JFK cause Ben Gurion’s resignation?
- How the US’s foreign policy changed after JFK’s assassination
- Book: Divert! by Grant F. Smith: Paperback, Kindle
- The neocon movement began under Gerald Ford
- Ford moved Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney into the White House
- Rumself and Cheney thought that Kissinger was too liberal
- They wanted to go back to the era of Dulles, Paul Nitze and George Kennan
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