#962 – Jim DiEugenio

  OLIVER STONE’S new three-part documentary on Kennedy titled JFK: Destiny Betrayed Oliver Stone announces the series in his facebook post Jim DiEugenio wrote the script for the documentary series 25 interviews conducted for this series shot in LA, SF, Dallas, New Orleans, Washington DC The series deals with JFK’s foreign policy and how it was changed after […]

#961 – Loren Singer

  BOR Show #305, original airdate: January 1, 2007 Loren Singer (1923-2009) wrote the book The Parallax View (1970) Loren worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS ) during WW II He first had to pass a series of psychological tests He read studies of Rorschach tests given to top Nazis at Nuremberg Loren wrote for television and radio, this was his first […]

#960 – Barry Ernest

  A new edition of The Girl On The Stairs, witness Victoria Adams In 1967, Barry started to doubt the Warren Commission Vicky was on the staircase at the same time Oswald was supposed to be there Barry interviewed Vicky 35 years later, her story was dismissed by the WC Altered and ignored testimony of Roger Craig, Carolyn Walther, […]

#959b – Dave O’Brien

  Author of Through The ‘Oswald’ Window Dave’s website: www.throughtheoswaldwindow.com Dave’s public seminar at Streetsville (Royal Cdn) Legion, 101 Church Street, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 1M6 On Friday, October 18, 7:00 p.m. For tickets, contact dave at dave@throughtheoswaldwindow.com How Dave got interested in the case Any evidence of a second gunman was ignored by the Warren Commission (WC) Steven […]

#959a – Flip de Mey

  Author of Cold Case Kennedy: A New Investigation Into the Assassination of JFK: Hardcover, Kindle And The Lee Harvey Oswald Files: Why the CIA killed Kennedy: Hardcover How Flip got interested in the case Oswald’s two best friends described him as a kind man 1960s was the hopeful decade The world changed after JFK’s murder and not for the […]

#958b – Jim DiEugenio

  CNN retelecasts the documentary series American Dynasties: The Kennedys Article: CNN Disservices History –– American Dynasties: The Kennedys by Jim DiEugenio Listen to Jim’s interview with David Giglio (Our Hidden History) here The documentary series does not mention Edmund Gullion, JFK’s Algeria Speech or NSAM 263 Kennedy wanted to back nationlist forces in third world countries Article: The Tragic ‘Years of Lead’ by […]

#958a – John Barbour

  John Barbour is an actor, comedian, television host The only performer in TV to win Emmys for both entertainment and news shows Three Documentaries by John Barbour The JFK Assassination: The Jim Garrison Tapes Last Word on the Jim Garrison Tapes The American Media & The Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo John’s YouTube […]

#957b – Laurie Dusek

  Laurie Dusek is Sirhan’s lawyer Sirhan was stabbed on Aug 31st Laurie to meet Sirhan next week to figure out what happened Senator Kennedy was shot from behind Sirhan was in front of Senator Kennedy Kamala Harris 2400 pieces of evidence were destroyed before the trial even began More evidence was destroyed after the […]

#957a – Bill Pepper

  Bill Pepper on the stabbing of Sirhan The guy who stabbed Sirhan is serving a long sentence The reason for the attack is not known Sirhan did not provoke the attack Jeffrey Epstein was a walking timebomb More info will be available after the official report is released Sirhan being treated as if he […]