- At Kennedys and King
- Article: Oswald’s Last Letter: The Scorching Hot Potato by Paul Bleau
- The article is about Oswald’s last letter to Russian Embassy in Nov 1963
- Marina Oswald said Oswald never spoke about his alleged Mexico City trip
- Oswald, the CIA and Mexico City (aka The Lopez Report): Purchase here for just $12
- Video: David Josephs’ presentation: Oswald’s Mexico city trip (BOR 920)
- Luis Echeverria, a CIA asset, went on the become the President of Mexico
- Oswald’s letter contained details which he had no way of knowing
- The Soviets believed the letter to be a forgery
- Designed to implicate them in the asssassination
- Article: Ruth Paine “Finds” Evidence: Oswald’s Letter to the Soviet Embassy by Carol Hewett
- A third article on this mysterious letter to be uploaded soon
- Article: Conspiracy Theories Merit Only Undivided Suspicion
- Jim is currenty working on an article on the hypocrisy of Christopher Ruddy, the founder of Newsmax
- A rough cut of the film / documentary miniseries JFK: Destiny Betrayed is almost ready
- Listener questions answered
- Buell Wesley Frazier, the man who drove Oswald to work on Nov 22, 1963
- Frazier’s sister Linnie Mae Randle
- Both Frazier and his sister were pressurized to change their statement about Oswald’s bag
- Book: The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today by Jim DiEugenio: Paperback, Kindle
- “Why are the 51 CIA documents classified top secret in the Archives and inaccessible to the public for 75 years?
I’m 45, so there’s no hope for me, but I’m already training my eight-year-old son to keep himself physically fit
so that on one glorious September morn in 2038 he can walk into the National Archives in Washington and
find out what the CIA knew about Lee Harvey Oswald. If there’s a further extension of the top-secret classification,
this may become a generational affair, with questions passed down from father to son in the manner of the ancient
runic bards.” – Jim Garrison, Playboy interview - Jim Garrison Playboy interview: Part 1, Part 2; Download PDF
- Article: JFK Records Release: Why the Redactions? by Mark Adamczyk
- Documentary: Cold Case Hammarskjold: Stream on Amazon, iTunes, Directv, Microsoft, Verizon, Vudu
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
- John Perkins interviewed on Black Op Radio: Episodes 545 and 776
- Video: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – short animation
- Book: Who Killed Hammarskjold? by Susan Williams: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle
- “Dag Hammarskjold was the greatest statesman of the 20th century” – President Kennedy
- “Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up?” – Mr. X to Garrison in the movie JFK
- Video: NBC-TV Coverage of JKF’s assassination on Nov 22, 1963 (6+ hours)
- Video: CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite: 11/22/63
- Video: CBS News – President Kennedy Assassination – 11/22/1963 (1:30 P.M E.T – 6:34 P.M E.T)
- Video: ABC-TV Coverage of JFK’s assassination on Nov 22, 1963
- Video: WFAA-TV Live Coverage of The Assassination of President Kennedy (12:30 P.M – 3:44 P.M)
- Video: ABC-TV (11/22/63) (Two hours of JFK assassination Coverage)
- FREE Download Ebook: Covering the Body (PDF) by Barbie Zelizer
- Video: Trailer of the documentary The Parkland Doctors: Watch here
- Video: Two-Hour CBS Special on the Warren Commission (Walter Cronkite)
- Article: Why CBS Covered Up the JFK Assassination by Jim DiEugenio
- Video: Obama, Bush, Trump lied repeatedly about Afghan War – Documents reveal (The Jimmy Dore Show)
- Article: New Russian weapon can travel 27 times the speed of sound
- Video: Putin’s final warning to the West
- June 10 1963, JFK’s American University commencement address titled ‘A Strategy of Peace’: Audio, Video, Text
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