#1226 – Jim DiEugenio, John Barbour

  New article by Max Arvo, Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment – Part 1, on Kennedys and King. Jim recommends ‘Death To Justice’ by Paul Abbott. Dr. Hubert Winston Smith was psychologist who created the 3 psychiatrist panel to evaluate Ruby. Dr. Louis Joslyn West wrote evaluation of Jack Ruby after being appointed by Dr. Smith. John Washburn’s […]

#1225 – Ted Yacucci

  Ted was 8 years old when JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. A pall came over the nation when JFK was assassinated, everyone around him was effected. JFK’s murder deeply effected Ted, starting his fascination with the investigation. Oswald being shot by Ruby just two days after JFK’s murder seemed too fantastical to […]

#1224 – Jim DiEugenio

  US Election comments Listerner questions answered Mike Benz on the Tucker Carlson show Watch Here Donald Trump won the 2024 US Presidential election! Will the perturbed liberal celebrities actually move out of the United States now, or just blowing wind? Trump received help from Joe Rogan, Carlson Tucker, Elon Musk, Megyn Kelly & others. The […]

#1223 – Paul Abbott, David Denton

  The Death To Justice, The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald. Paul Abbott at Kennedy’s and King Article Find Paul on his Substack The book is a focus on the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald. Paul motivated to write a book after reading DPD’s investigation, testimonies & noting contradictions. Paul has created an index of Jim Garrison’s […]

#1222 – John Edginton, Ray McGuinnis

  Documentary Filmaker John Edginton Len first discovered John’s documentaries, finding John’s interview with Col. Fletcher Prouty. Intrigued, Len discovers John’s library of interviews, including a BBC film on Martin Luther King. John started out as a journalist, worked as a print journalist in the early 80’s, then got involved in TV. Worked on a […]

#1221 – Vince Palamara

  Author and researcher of six books on the JFK assassination and the Secret Service. His blogspot Palamara video page Youtube Channel Kindle version available now in the US, softcover to be released November 8th. His new book available on amazon.com Purchase Here 1st book published on the JFK assassination plot in Chicago. Vince started to receive mysterious […]

#1218 – Jim DiEugenio

  Jim suggests people read the books:Betting On The Africans by Philip E. Muehlenbeck. JFK: Ordeal in Africa by Richard D. Mahoney, The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild, Who Killed Hammerskjold? by Susan Williams. CAPA conference in Dallas approaching fast! September 27th is the 60th anniversary of the […]

#1217 – Chad Nagle

  RFK Jr. and the Unspeakable: Why This Historic Moment Matters Article Chad Nagle Substack page JFK: American History and the Memory Hole First JFK Facts article: The CIA’s Sinister ‘Transparency Plan’ for JFK Files Article about the Mary Ferrell Foundation lawsuit: JFK Researchers Appeal for Justice in Federal Court Trail of Destruction series on JFK Facts: Trail of Destruction: […]