#1058 – Lisa Pease, Munir Sirhan & Paul Schrade

  Board recommends parole for Sirhan Sirhan on 16th attempt The two developments that made Sirhan’s parole possible Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has prohibited prosecutors from going to parole hearings Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s call to Lisa Pease after Sirhan’s parole recommendation Douglas Kennedy, RFK’s son, testified before the parole board in Sirhan’s […]

#1057 – Bruce de Torres, Larry Schnapf & Mark Adamcyzk, Jeremy Kuzmarov, Scott Enyart

  Book: God, School, 9/11 and JFK by Bruce de Torres: Paperback, Kindle How Bruce got interested in 9/11 and the JFK case Documentary: Zeitgeist by Peter Joseph Documentary: America: Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo FREE Download Ebook: The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin If people are scared, they’ll believe and follow whatever plan is presented to them Video: The […]

#1056 – Paul Bleau, Benjamin Cole

  For the first part of this talk by Paul Bleau, please listen to episode 1055 Articles: Exposing the FPCC by Paul Bleau: Part 1, Part 2 Antonio Veciana, the Cuban exile who was recruited by the CIA to kill Fidel Castro Veciana was the founder and a leader of the anti-Castro group Alpha 66 Veciana also claimed that […]

#1055 – Johnny Cairns, Paul Bleau

Part A: Johnny Cairns Articles: A Presumption of Innocence: Lee Harvey Oswald by Johnny Cairns: Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 of the article to be released soon How Johnny got interested in the case FREE Download Ebook: Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF) The bullet (CE 399) does not match the rifle in evidence (Mannlicher–Carcano) No ammunition found […]

#1054 – Joan Mellen, Aaron Good

  Joan Mellen is the author of 20+ books Book: A Farewell to Justice by Joan: Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook The facts of the movie JFK are accurate Book: JFK: The Book of the Film by Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar: Paperback, Kindle Foreign policy made by the CIA on behalf of the corporations it served The Clay Shaw trial Clay Shaw was in contact with David […]

#1052 – Joe Green, Greg Parker

  Joseph E. Green’s website: www.joegreenjfk.com Joe’s new book Tinfoil Hat Not Included to be released soon Book: Dissenting Views by Joe Green: Paperback, Kindle Book: Dissenting Views II by Joe Green: Paperback, Kindle News: Haiti president Jovenel Moïse assassinated This is the first presidential assassination in Haiti since 1915 None of the President’s security staff were injured Two guys from Florida are among the 17 commandos […]

#1051 – Jim DiEugenio, Aaron Good

  Video: Oliver Stone on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass in Cannes 2021; Standing Ovations Video: Exclusive clip from Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass Video: Cannes 2021: Oliver Stone revisits ‘JFK’ (France 24) Video: Oliver Stone Exposes JFK Assassination Cover-Up (RT) The hatchet job by The Daily Beast on Oliver Stone’s JFK: Revisited The documentary has been received very well in […]

#1050 – David Giglio, Paul Bleau

  David Giglio’s website: www.ourhiddenhistory.org Our Hidden History YouTube channel The Church Committee’s efforts to investigate the CIA YouTube Playlist: FBI’s War on Martin Luther King (Church Committee) YouTube Playlist: The Church Committee’s History of US Intelligence (1976) YouTube Playlist: Church Committee: Assassination Plots against Foreign Leaders YouTube Playlist: Jim Garrison and the JFK Assassination YouTube Playlist: Mark Lane YouTube Playlist: HSCA […]

#1049 – Aaron Good

  Aaron Good is a history teacher Aaron’s Ph.D. thesis titled American Exception: Hegemony and the Tripartite State FREE Borrowable Ebook: All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup & the Roots of Middle East Terror by Stephen Kinzer FREE Borrowable Ebook: Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq by Stephen Kinzer FREE Borrowable Ebook: American Adventurism Abroad by Michael […]