Jim DiEugenio is the writer of the new documentary JFK: Revisited Video: JFK Revisited Trailer Showtime is presenting the 2-hour version of the documentary this week Showtime also aired The One and Only Dick Gregory, The Putin Interviews and The Untold History of the United States Documentary: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone Book: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone: Paperback, Audiobook Book: The Untold History of the […]
Author Archives: David
#1067 – Johnny Cairns
Article: A Presumption of Innocence: Lee Harvey Oswald, Part 3 by Johnny Cairns Part 1 and Part 2 of this series by Johnny Cairns Commission Exhibit (CE) 142 (the paper bag) CE 399 (the magic bullet) CE 543, 544, 545 (shells found on the sixth floor) The shells were picked up from the floor before they were photographed FREE Download Ebook: Impossible: The […]
#1066 – Bill Davy, Larry Schnapf, Jim DiEugenio
Book: Let Justice Be Done by Bill Davy: Paperback, Kindle Video: Mort Sahl explains American politics (1967) Mort started out as a political satirist Mort’s earning were in the millions at the time of the Kennedy assassination Mort had become good friends with JFK He wrote jokes for Kennedy during his presidential campaign Mort rode on Air Force One […]
#1065 – Tim Smith / Donald Jeffries
Tim Smith’s upcoming book The testimony of the 52 witnesses who appeared before the HSCA was on PBS The working title of the book is Hidden in Plain Sight Article: Did EVEN the Warren Commission Believe Howard Brennan? by Tim Smith The many problems with Brennan’s testimony Going back to the primary/original sources for research Brennan was […]
#1064 – Jim DiEugenio
Finck burned the first draft of the autopsy report According to Dr. David Mantik and Doug Horne, Finck also burned the second draft FREE Download Ebook: Six Seconds in Dallas (PDF) by Josiah “Tink” Thompson Thompson’s book Six Seconds in Dallas made the cover of The Saturday Evening Post; see pic here Article: How Five Investigations into JFK’s Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got […]
#1063 – Bob Lord
Bob Lord is an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies Previously served as an adjunct faculty member at the Arizona State University School of Law The United States has become both a tax and secrecy haven Low tax rates on the super-rich The super-rich use “trust laws” to keep things secretive Dynasty […]
#1062 – Tim Smith, Jim DiEugenio
Tim Smith has been a college professor for 33 years He currently teaches philosophy, logic, world religion Article: The Mysteries Around Ida Dox by Tim Smith This article appears as Chapter 4 of Smith’s upcoming book on the witnesses appearing before the HSCA How Tim began to work on his book The testimony of the 52 witnesses who […]
#1061 – Jesse Ventura
Twenty years have passed since the 9/11 attacks The govt’s official version as to what happened on 9/11 Why are we paying billions of dollars for “security” when 19 terrorists can defeat our air defenses without any help from any country? There was no mention of Building 7 in the 9/11 Commission report Philip […]
#1060 – Jim DiEugenio, Donald McGovern
At Kennedys and King Sirhan Sirhan Parole Letter by Jim DiEugenio Write to Governor Gavin Newsom requesting him to not overturn the parole board’s recommendation Address: Governor Gavin Newsom, 1303 10th Street, Suite 1173, Sacramento, CA 95814. Phone: (916) 445-2841 Larry Schnapf’s letter to President Biden (PDF) Articles: Collateral Damage: Mark Shaw’s Public Atrocity by Donald McGovern: Part 1, Part […]
#1059 – Ray McGinnis, Doug Horne
Ray McGinnis is a Canadian author Ray’s new book Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored: Paperback, Kindle How Ray got interested in the 9/11 case Book: Wake-Up Call: The Political Education of a 9/11 Widow by Kristen Breitweiser: Hardcover, Kindle, Audiobook FREE Borrowable Ebook: Wake-Up Call: The Political Education of a 9/11 Widow by Kristen Breitweiser Henry […]