1491 documents have been declassified CIA station in Australia List of cleared CIA assets Lawsuit to be filed against President Biden in California for failing to declassify all documents Documentary: JFK Unsolved: The Real Conspiracies This is based on Tink Thompson’s new Last Second in Dallas Video: JFK Revisited Trailer Video: The first trailer of JFK Revisited Stream the […]
Author Archives: David
#1075 – Dave Ratcliffe
Dave Ratcliffe’s website: www.ratical.org Pandemic Parallax View Dr. Pierre Kory Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Dr. Peter McCullough Testimony, Senate Homeland Security Committee Covid vaccines are experimental drugs Conscience and The Nuremberg Code Apprehending the False Promise of Biosecurity Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal […]
#1074 – John Armstrong
John’s website: www.harveyandlee.net Article: Westbrook and Croy by John Armstrong This new article focusses for the most part on Westbrook and Croy Article: The Murder of J.D. Tippit by John Armstrong Nearly everything that HARVEY Oswald and LEE Oswald did on 11/22/63 was pre-planned Bill Shelley was Oswald’s supervisor at the Book Depository In 1963 Capt. Westbrook was in […]
#1073 – Jim DiEugenio
Glenn Greenwald urges everyone to watch the documentary JFK: Revisited Check the tweet here Oliver Stone sent the 4-hour version of the documentary to Joe Rogan The 4-hour version is titled JFK: Destiny Betrayed Joe Rogan to have Oliver Stone on his show after watching the 4-hour version Dr. Peter McCullough on The Joe Rogan Experience; watch the […]
#1072 – Oliver Stone
Video: JFK Revisited Trailer Video: The first trailer of JFK Revisited Stream the documentary here (from within US only) The ARRB did not get cooperation from the CIA or the Secret Service The Secret Service shredded their files There’s very little mainstream coverage of the new documentary JFK: Revisited Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio on postponement of JFK files […]
#1071 – Jim DiEugenio and Jim Gochenaur, Benjamin Cole
Jim Gochenaur is a teacher from Seattle He met and got to know Elmer Moore and Carver Gayton Gayton’s first position in the FBI was in Kansas city where he worked with James Hosty Hosty told Gayton that Oswald was a paid informant Gayton told Gochenaur that one of Malcolm X’s bodyguards was a […]
#1070 – Rob Wilson
Rob Wilson is the producer of the new documentary JFK Revisited How Rob Wilson got to know Oliver Stone and worked for him “Reverse trajectory momentum” How the JFK Revisited project came about No US company was ready to finance the project Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland narrate the documentary More than 25 researchers were interviewed for […]
#1069 – Dr. Cyril Wecht and Dawna Kaufmann, Aaron Good
Dr. Cyril Wecht and Dawna Kaufmann have co-authored a new book on the JFK case Book: The JFK Assassination Dissected by Dr. Wecht and Kaufmann: Paperback, Kindle Black Op Radio has been broadcasting since the year 2000 Get all the shows of a season for just $10; buy here The foreword for this new book has been written by Oliver […]
#1068 – Jim DiEugenio, Barry Ernest, Paul Bleau
Jim DiEugenio is the writer of the new documentary JFK: Revisited Video: JFK Revisited Trailer Showtime is presenting the 2-hour version of the documentary this week Showtime also aired The One and Only Dick Gregory, The Putin Interviews and The Untold History of the United States Documentary: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone Book: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone: Paperback, Audiobook Book: The Untold History of the […]
#1067 – Johnny Cairns
Article: A Presumption of Innocence: Lee Harvey Oswald, Part 3 by Johnny Cairns Part 1 and Part 2 of this series by Johnny Cairns Commission Exhibit (CE) 142 (the paper bag) CE 399 (the magic bullet) CE 543, 544, 545 (shells found on the sixth floor) The shells were picked up from the floor before they were photographed FREE Download Ebook: Impossible: The […]