#1098 – Randy Benson, Max Good

  Randy Benson is a documentarian and a filmmaker Documentary: The Searchers by Randolph Benson (vimeo on demand) The website of the documentary: www.thesearchersfilm.com Randy’s website: www.rbensonfilm.com John Judge’s research and activism Starting in 1999, John Judge and Bill Kelly started holding a remembrance for JFK’s 1963 Peace Speech June 10 1963, JFK’s American University commencement address titled ‘A Strategy of […]

#1097 – Dr. Shane O’sullivan, Paul Bleau

  Watergate 50 Years Later – online Confernce. Conference Website www.watergateat50.com The conference teaser: Watch Here The Watergate Burglars: www.nixondirtytricks.com The YouTube playlist for the live panels: Watch Here Part Two Oliver Stone mega-event in Quebec City, Canada Quebec City Meets Oliver Stone Buy the ticket for the main event here The event is being organized by the Quebec […]

#1096 – Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau

  Quebec City Meets Oliver Stone The historic Chateau Frontenac hotel is a partner of the event The first marquee event is on 13th of June JFK: Revisited to be shown on the 13th Cinema Le Clap shows in June For the week preceeding the event, some of Oliver Stone’s best movies to be shown Buy the ticket for […]

#1095 – Paul Bleau, Jim DiEugenio

  Oliver Stone mega-event in Quebec City, Canada Quebec City Meets Oliver Stone How the event was conceived The historic Chateau Frontenac hotel is a partner of the event Len Osanic to be present at the event !! Quebec City is one of the best cities for tourism in Canada Buy the ticket for the main event here […]

#1093 – Vince Palamara, Paul Bleau

  News: Abraham Bolden: Ex-Secret Service agent pardoned by Biden Abraham Bolden was the first African-American secret service agent on White House detail Bolden’s direct supervisor Harvey Henderson was a racist “You’re a nigger. You were born a nigger. And you’re gonna die a nigger” – Henderson to Bolden FREE Borrowable Ebook: The Echo from Dealey Plaza by […]

#1092 – Col. Fletcher Prouty

  UNDERSTANDING SPECIAL OPERATIONS (Ratcliffe 1999), CHAPTER 1 I came on duty before the beginning of WWII, an ROTC cavalry unit Active duty with the 4th Armored Division July 10th 1941 I reported to Creighton W. Abrams from my own home town I began flight training in Maxwell Field in Alabama about May of 1942 In February […]

#1091 – Jim DiEugenio, Jeremy Kuzmarov Tom Gram

  At Kennedys and King Article: Walker, Oswald, and the Dog That Didn’t Bark by Benjamin Cole Video: Paul Bleau’s presentation at Dealey Plaza UK Paul Bleau’s upcoming articles about the Jim Garrison papers Researchers like Peter Dale Scott, Anthony Summers, Paul Hoch dumped on Garrison after he lost the Shaw trial Book: Let Justice Be Done by Bill Davy: Paperback, Kindle CNN’s […]

#1090 – Staffan Westerberg, Pete Engwall / Benjamin Cole

  Staffan Westerberg and Pete Engwall are from Sweden Staffan and Pete’s new article: The Mechanics of “Project Oswald” The excellent work of John Armstrong Oswald’s “defection” to the Soviet Union The three phases of the “Project Oswald” Why was Oswald mingling with the White Russian community? There is nothing more dangerous than talking about peace […]

#1089 – John Armstrong

  John Armstrong’s website: www.harveyandlee.net Article: The Pre-Arranged Murder of Oswald by John Armstrong and David Josephs How John got interested in this aspect of the case The chosen patsy was the Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald After President Kennedy was assassinated the conspirators knew that the “patsy” had to be eliminated Dallas Police headquarters was located in the third […]