At Kennedys and King: Vincent Bugliosi, Tom O’Neill, Quentin Tarantino, and Tate/LaBianca, Part 1 by Jim DiEugenio Jim reviews Tom O’Neill’s book Chaos in Part 1 At Kennedys and King: Vincent Bugliosi, Tom O’Neill, Quentin Tarantino, and Tate/LaBianca, Part 2 by Jim DiEugenio Jim reviews Quentin Tarantino’s film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in […]
Author Archives: Craig
#953b – Dr. Cyril Wecht
Dr. Cyril H. Wecht is the Chairman of Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA) JFK – Dr. Michael Baden called in for Jeff Epstein autopsy? Dr. Baden was the chief forensic pathologist for the HSCA Article: Dr. Michael Baden’s deceptions by Milicent Cranor Epstein’s suicide watch was removed He’s placed in a cell with an inmate […]
#953a – Jack Myers
At Kennedys and King: Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer by Jack Myers How Jack Myers got interested in the case Mark Lane’s article published on Dec 19, 1963: Oswald Innocent? A Lawyer’s Brief “The thing I am concerned about is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is […]
#952 – Dr. Gary Aguilar
Dr. Gary Aguilar is a Board Member of AARC and an advisor to CAPA How Dr. Aguilar got interested in the case Dr. Aguilar’s challenge to those who defend the Warren Commission (WC) Video: Junk Science and the Death of JFK by Dr. Gary Aguilar Dr. Gary Aguilar exposes fraud in Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) articles on JFK assassination Dishonest articles […]
#951b – Jim DiEugenio
Recent mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso Gun control “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people” At Kennedys and King: Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer by Jack Myers Article: NATO’s Secret Armies, Operation Gladio, and JFK by Rob Couteau Garrison Interview, “Some Unauthorized Comments on the State of the Union” (May 27, 1969); Download PDF Jim’s introduction to the […]
#951a – Larry Schnapf
Larry Schnapf is a Board Member of Citizens Against Political Assassinations (CAPA) Larry co-chairs the Legal Subcommittee with Bill Simpich CAPA’s conference on 22nd and 23rd November (2019) titled ‘CAPA November in Dallas’ Book your seats / hotel rooms at a discounted early bird price A dry run of Court of Inquiry at the event, Friday morning 9.30-11.30 AM (invitation only) Much […]
#950c – Vince Palamara
Author of four books Book: Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy: Paperback, Kindle Book: JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda: The Ultimate Kennedy Assassination Compendium: Paperback, Kindle Book: The Not-So-Secret Service: Agency Tales from FDR to Kennedy Assassination to Reagan Era: Paperback, Kindle Book: Who’s Who in the Secret Service: History’s Most Renowned Agents: Paperback, Kindle Vince’s website: Blog: Vince’s YouTube channel, Facebook […]
#950b – Bill Kelly
Bill Kelly’s blogs: And Founding member of COPA and a Board Member of CAPA Click here for more info on joining CAPA CAPA’s conference on 22nd and 23rd November (2019) titled ‘CAPA November in Dallas’ Texas Court of Inquiry Grassy Knoll Memorial Service event started by Penn Jones and continued by John Judge Similarities between what happened […]
#950a – Jim DiEugenio
At Kennedys and King: Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer by Jack Myers Book: Chaos: Charles Manson, CIA & Secret History of 60s by Tom O’Neill: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook Jim is currently working on a review of the book Chaos Tom O’Neill interviewed Vincent Bugliosi, author of Helter Skelter Jim exposes the fraud of Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History; 25 shows for just $10 Book: Reclaiming Parkland: Tom […]
#949b – Bill Simpich
Civil rights attorney and antiwar activist in the San Francisco Bay Area Video: Lisa Pease’s presentation: Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Reconsidered Movie Trailer: The Last Black Man in San Francisco; Directed by Joe Talbot, s/o David Talbot The Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s website: A Joint Statement on the Kennedy, King, and Malcolm X Assassinations and Ongoing […]