- Director of the 2016 documentary Vaxxed
- Watch the documentary here
- The documentary investigates the claims of a senior CDC scientist
- The link between MMR vaccination and autism
- Wikipedia calls Vaxxed a “pseudoscience documentary”
- The mainstream media’s opposition to the documentary
- The documentary is a story of the CDC’s pseudo science
- Dr. Wakefield’s new documentary titled 1986: The Act
- The movie is about the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986
- This act gave indemnity to vaccine manufacturers
- Edmonston-B, vaccine for measles
- FREE Borrowable Ebook: Darkness in El Dorado by Patrick Tierney
- MerckVaccines and the MMR vaccine
- Covid-19 vaccines to “save the world”
- Video: “The CDC is actually a vaccine company” – Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- Pharmaceutical companies have liability protection
- These companies have a mandated market
- Children must get their vaccines to go to school
- More about Dr. Wakefield’s new documentary 1986: The Act
- The survival of mankind depends upon the decisions we take in the next few months
- The documentary will be available at www.sphir.io
- Website of the documentary: www.1986theact.com
- There are more lobbyists representing the pharmaceutical companies on Capitol Hill than politicians
From Show #614
- Dr. Wakefield is a gastroenterologist and has investigated autism and vaccines
- A risein Autism from 1:10,000 to 1:25, Dr. Wakefield’s career has suffered severely
- Non-vaccinated children are healthier, the MMR vaccine contains three live viruses
- Other vaccines contain killed components, mercury preservative, aluminum, pig virus
- Parents, schools, families experience problems with their children, they form interest groups
- Some seek the cause, some seek a treatment, not anti-vaccine, but for safe vaccines
- Lawyers get involved, government has indemnified the vaccine makers
- The government has acknowledged an MMR and encephalitis association
- Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), placed on the taxpayer
- The loss of public confidence may lead to the return of certain diseases
- The Cochrane review of vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults
- Questionable and illegal practices, suing the British Medical Journal in Texas
- The Academic Integrity Fund, to help fight back against the likes of Bill Gates
- Direct-to-Consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals, Vaccine Court awards
- The Italian vaccine case,
From Show #478
- Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath, is an academic gastroenterologist
- His new book: CALLOUS DISREGARD: Autism and Vaccines—The Truth Behind a Tragedy
- Book Website – Foreword by Jenny McCarthy
- He is not anti-vaccine, but rather an advocate of a “safety first” vaccine policy
- Although he learned virtually nothing about Autism in medical school, he’s almost accidentally become involved
- While treating a child with autism for a seemingly unrelated medical problem, Dr Wakefield improved the autistic symptoms
- While almost unknown a couple of generations ago, Autism is almost epidemic and probably related to vaccinations
- The parents have related the Autism to the vaccines and Dr Wakefield has investigated and found the link to be likely
- These Autism stories are the same worldwide and are all seemingly caused by Vaccines
- The scientists have accepted the vaccines as a medical necessity and are entrenched in their thinking
- Cigarettes were once thought of as harmless and even good for you and we now know haow bad they are
- Like cigarettes, Vaccines are likely to be found extremely harmful
- Poisons metals like aluminum and mercury are used in vaccines among other extremely harmful things
- Most of these things are completely untested in the vaccines
- Pharmaceutical companies are assuming vaccines are harmless until proven otherwise…
- …Instead of erring on the side of caution and testing to prove their safety
- The vaccines have no liability at all… no responsibility to the consumer whatsoever
- The benefits of vaccines rely on public confidence… one faulty vaccine can destroy the confidence in every vaccine
- Those that run the regulations are controlled by those that manufacture the vaccines…
- … There is no industry regulation because of this blatant conflict of interest
- Autism is “often” caused by vaccines. Here is information on three cases: Baily Banks, Hannah Poling, Misty Hyatt
- Reports accuse WHO of exaggerating H1N1 threat, possible ties to drug makers
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