#1233 – Max Arvo


  • Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment – Part 1
  • Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment – Part 2
  • Jack Ruby: A Review and Reassessment – Part 3
  • Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties: O’Neill, Tom, Piepenbring, Dan: Order Here
  • Mind Games: The Assassination of John Lennon: Whelan, David: Order Here
  • Len shows his appreciation to Max & other researchers who put out good work.
  • Reading Chaos by Tom O’Neill became inspiration for Max’s deep dig into the Jack Ruby case.
  • Max found it highly suspect that the MK ULTRA psychiatrist Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West was involved.
  • When West died, he left thousands of papers that were donated & archived at UCLA.
  • O’Neill was able to view West’s documents before they were picked through by UCLA archivists.
  • O’Neill raises the question of MK ULTRA being implemented on Jack Ruby. Was Jack tortured?
  • On a road trip, Max stopped in L.A., spending a day at the UCLA archives to view West’s files.
  • Jolly West was performing experiments in the Haight Ashbury during the ‘Summer of Love’.
  • Taking 2000+ photos of the documents, Max has been reviewing them over the past couple of years.
  • Jack Ruby has a psychotic break at the same time of West’s involvement. Coincidence?
  • Max discovered that West was actually involved in Ruby’s case by November 29th, not March 1964!
  • Realizing how significant it was that Jolly West was involved with Ruby, Max pressed on.
  • Len & Max discuss the history & different aspects of MK ULTRA.
  • Len notes that the experiments & participating universities or clinics were funded by Dept. Of Defence.
  • Psychiatrist Bernard Diamond performed experiments on Sirhan Sirhan, hypnotizing him.
  • How could Sirhan Sirhan not remember the events surrounding his involvement in RFK’s shooting?
  • Mark David Chapman sat down on the ground & started reading a book after shooting Lennon?
  • Notice how the same doctors are involved in these sensationalist cases, over & over?
  • During WWII the OSS & various armies were experimenting with truth drugs & mind control.
  • Operation Bluebird & Operation Artichoke were the predecessors to MK ULTRA.
  • The mind control programs have not stopped. Note the connections to military
  • You can’t count on any governmental agency to do an honest investigation?
  • Governments participate in the planning of these events, the cover ups & neglect to investigate.
  • Oswald’s murder was the first televised murder in history.
  • Melvin Belli didn’t mention how soon he was involved in Ruby’s case! Mere days!
  • Max’s intuition & research has lead him to believe Oswald’s murder was premeditated.
  • West worked fast from Oklahoma to organize a group of psychiatrists to work on Ruby.
  • Jack hadn’t been insane before the shooting of Oswald, or after. He was being manipulated.
  • Tom Howard, Ruby’s 1st lawyer was involved in Ruby’s case within an hour of Oswald’s shooting.
  • Howard was the first person to public ally state that Ruby wasn’t in his right mind.