#1231 – Col. Fletcher Prouty


  • The censorship exercised by the newspaper editors
  • The advantages of hemp
  • Tungsten mining in Vietnam
  • The garden of eden in the world was Southeast Asia
  • Saigon was called the Paris of the Orient
  • It was mindless to destroy a beautiful place like Vietnam
  • Most likely one of the reasons for the Vietnam war was to get American businesses to replace the French
  • Is petroleum a fossil fuel?
  • Generally, no fossils are found below 16,000 feet
  • The oil depletion allowance
  • Video: President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)
  • “It has long been a Kennedy tradition: not to get mad but to get even. I fully realize that
    I shall not be able to get even during my first term in office. But during my second term,
    you are going to see some important changes” – President Kennedy
  • Why was Governor Connally in the same car as the President?
  • Lansdale and Col. Prouty knew each other since 1952
  • Lansdale was sent to the Philippines in 1952 to overthrow President Elpidio Quirino
  • And replace him with the new President Ramon Magsaysay
  • Col. Napoleon Valeriano trained Cuban exiles before the bay of pigs invasion
  • Valeriano became an American citizen
  • A million Vietnamese migrated from the North to the South before the war
  • The US Navy transported 660,000 Vietnamese from the North to the South
  • 330,000 were moved by CIA’s airline Civil Air Transport (CAT)
  • On September 2, 1953, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said “In Indochina, a desperate
    struggle is in its eighth year….We are already contributing largely in matériel and money to the
    combined efforts of the French and of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.”
  • Chiang Kai-Shek’s presence at the Tehran conference
  • Article from Parade Magazine, Feb 1986:
    Why Stalin Never Forgave Eleanor Roosevelt by Elliott Roosevelt: Page 1Page 2
  • The cold war really began before the second world war ended
  • Our governments do not know how to operate without the threat of war
  • FREE Borrowable EbookReport from Iron Mountain by Leonard C. Lewin
  • New York Times Book Review: Report from Iron Mountain: The Guest Word by Leonard Lewin
  • The degradation of the infrastructure in the US