#1225 – Ted Yacucci


  • Ted was 8 years old when JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
  • A pall came over the nation when JFK was assassinated, everyone around him was effected.
  • JFK’s murder deeply effected Ted, starting his fascination with the investigation.
  • Oswald being shot by Ruby just two days after JFK’s murder seemed too fantastical to be true!
  • Ted has a background in TV reporter & teaches journalism. Ted loves investigative journalism.
  • With Ted’s pending retirement, he’s looking forward to focusing on his great JFK Youtube channel!
  • Listening to weekly episodes of Black Op Radio helps keep Ted close to the subject.
  • Ted has current FOIA requests in progress with hopes of learning more on the Chicago plot.
  • Ted interviewed Ruth Paine a decade ago! Ted tells why she cut him off from further communication!
  • It was amazing to Ted how Ruth Paine tried to manipulate him.
  • Solving the assassination of JFK’s murder is coming down to the hard work of independent researchers.
  • Ted appreciates the determined truth seekers in the JFK research community!
  • Ted’s nickname was TV Ted in the television & reporting world.
  • Sgt. Robert Vincent’s plane was diverted to Dallas, where they picked up an LHO lookalike!
  • The CIA kept complete oversight over Sgt. Vincent & his wife after the assassination.
  • Ted has concluded the JFK assassination was a CIA operation.
  • Many people associated to the assassination on some level lost their lives or were harassed by the CIA.
  • Len created 50 Reasons For 50 Years short videos to cater to people’s short attention spans!
  • Researchers are very interested in the murder of Officer Tippet by an Oswald imposter.
  • Ted really appreciates the Oswald research published by John Armstrong in Harvey & Lee.
  • Len & Ted discuss the multiple Oswalds that started to appear in different states.
  • Was the CIA Edward Lansdale brought in to orchestrate & direct JFK’s assassination?
  • Len believes the reporting of Oswald in Mexico City was a CIA created distraction.
  • Thomas Arthur Vallee in Chicago also looked like Oswald & had a similar military career!
  • Roger Craig saw an Oswald lookalike in Dealey Plaza getting into a Rambler station wagon.
  • There were TWO Oswalds arrested on November 22, 1963 at the The Texas Theatre!
  • The plane with Sgt. Robert Vincent landed at the Roswell AFB after leaving Dallas.
  • David Ferrie was being followed by the CIA to make sure he didn’t speak out about the assassination.
  • Oswald was seen creating a ruckus in multiple locations bringing attention to himself on purpose.
  • The Warren Commission censored what was published in the report, rejecting multiple testimonies.
  • Gerald Ford & the other members of the Warren Commission are guilty of helping with the cover-up.
  • The Warren Commission has told hundreds of lies but ignorant people & shills still promote the report.
  • With the WC claiming Oswald was in Mexico City, then how could Lee be at the Sportsdrome?
  • How could Lee Harvey Oswald defect to Russia, return to the US with assistance & not be charged?
  • Sylvia Odio reported that a Lee Harvey Oswald visited her home with anti Castro Cubans.
  • Oswald arrested at The Texas Theatre seen at El Tico restaurant in a car registered to CIA business.
  • Allen Dulles & The Big Money behind the opposition of Kennedy.
  • NSAM 263 was JFK’s initial initiative to start pulling out all troops from Vietnam.
  • Len explains the Golden Triangle.
  • David Ferrie was killed shortly after it was made public he was involved in Garrison’s investigation.
  • Autopsy whistleblower suicided along with reporter Dorothy Kilgallen & Dr. Mary Sherman!