- Book: America’s Last President: What the World Lost When It Lost John F. Kennedy by Monika Wiesak
- Get the book here: Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook, Scribd, Barnes & Noble
- June 11 1963, JFK’s landmark Civil Rights Speech: Video, Text
- How Monika got interested in the JFK presidency
- Understanding the root causes vs. supressing the symptoms
- The world JFK envisioned vs. the world we ended up with
- The Bay of Pigs operation was Kennedy’s introduction to the world of intelligence
- NSAM 55 (FRUS)
- NSAMs 55, 56 and 57
- Kennedy fired Allen Dulles, Richard Bissel and Charles Cabell from the CIA
- Kennedy cut CIA’s budget by 20%
- President Kennedy’s actions in the Congo
- UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold’s death in a suspicious plane crash
- Documentary: Cold Case Hammarskjold: Stream on Amazon, iTunes, Directv, Microsoft, Verizon, Vudu
- Book: Who Killed Hammarskjold? by Susan Williams: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle
- Edmund Gullion told JFK that Hammarskjold’s death was suspicious
- In 2 years and 10 months, Kennedy personally met with 28 African heads of state
- Whereas Eisenhower met with 8 African heads of state in 8 years
- G. Mennen “Soapy” Williams was one of Kennedy’s first appointees
- Kennedy supported “Africa for the Africans”
- Kennedy supported Angola over Portugal and Algeria over France
- Full text of JFK’s Algeria speech in the Senate, 1957
- The Alliance for Progress
- Jackie Kennedy said that JFK would have never done what LBJ did in the Dominican Republic and Brazil
- Book: Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy
(interviewed by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.): Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook - FREE Borrowable Ebook: Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy
- Philanthro capitalism or philantro imperialism
- Video: President Kennedy calls out the steel companies (1962)
- “My father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed it until now,”
President Kennedy famously said when he felt steel executives had double-crossed him by raising prices - FREE Borrowable Ebook: Silent Spring (1962) by Rachel Carson
- Kennedy amended the rules to make sure that the FDA does both safety and efficacy studies
- The FDA ended up removing 600 drugs from the market after they did retroactive efficacy studies
- Thalidomide and the pharmaceutical industry
- The four basic consumer rights: the right to safety, be informed, choose and be heard
- JFK’s consumer rights speech (March 15, 1962)
- World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated every year on March 15
- Stockpile investigation
- Military is the biggest pollutor on the planet
- Kennedy chose peace over war repeatedly during his presidency
- Kennedy was working towards ending the cold war
- June 10 1963, JFK’s American University commencement address titled ‘A Strategy of Peace’: Audio, Video, Text
- Kennedy hoped to visit the Soviet Union in his second term
- JFK sought good relations with all Middle Eastern countries
- “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market
is a nation that is afraid of its people” – John F. Kennedy - CIA document titled Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
- Jim DiEugenio interviews Monika Wiesak: please listen to episode 1112
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