- Jim DiEugenio is the writer of the new documentary JFK: Revisited
- Video: JFK Revisited Trailer
- Showtime is presenting the 2-hour version of the documentary this week
- Showtime also aired The One and Only Dick Gregory, The Putin Interviews
and The Untold History of the United States - Documentary: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone
- Book: The Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone: Paperback, Audiobook
- Book: The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick
- A concise version of the above book: The Concise Untold History of the United States
- For young readers: The Untold History of the United States, Volume 1: Young Readers Edition, 1898-1945
- For young readers: The Untold History of the United States, Volume 2: Young Readers Edition, 1945-1962
- Watch Oliver Stone’s The Untold History of the United States for free:
Prologue A, Prologue B, Episodes 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 - Jim DiEugenio evaluates the new Showtime documentary The One and Only Dick Gregory
- The 4-hour version of the JFK: Revisited documentary will be streamed in February
- Producer Rob Wilson to put together a 3-disc set containing both the 2-hour and 4-hour version
- Jim DiEugenio is currently working on a companion book for the documentary
- Jim Gochenaur, a teacher from Seattle, met Elmer Moore and Carver Gayton
- Elmer Moore was a secret service agent during the Kennedy assassination
- Carver Gaten was an FBI agent who met with Jim Hosty
- Jim DiEugenio interviewed Jim Gochenaur for the documentary
- Gochenaur was interviewed by the Church Committee in 1975
- A trailer for JFK Revisited was removed from YouTube (by the uploader)
- The Sixth Floor Museum complained over the unauthorized use of Zapruder film
- The American Media & The Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo
- Documentary: The Garrison Tapes
- The genesis of the JFK Revisited documentary project
- Video: Oliver Stone on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass in Cannes 2021; Standing Ovations
- Video: Oliver Stone Exposes JFK Assassination Cover-Up (JFK Revisited)
- Video: The first trailer of JFK Revisited
- CE 399 would never be allowed in any court trial because there’s no proper chain of evidence
- FREE Download Ebook: Six Seconds in Dallas (PDF) by Josiah “Tink” Thompson
- Book: Hear No Evil by Donald Thomas: Paperback, Kindle, Audiobook
- Video: Joe Rogan on Biden delaying the release of JFK files and CE 399
- The cover-up about who JFK really was is more systemic than the assassination cover-up
- Video: Russell Brand on Biden delaying the release of JFK files
- Article: The JFK Cover-Up Strikes Again by James K. Galbraith
- Book: JFK: Ordeal in Africa by Richard Mahoney
- The documentary JFK Revisited can be viewed on demand on Showtime
- The documentary will also be broadcast on Showtime on Nov 22 at 7 PM and 10 PM (repeat)
- A new documentary to be made on Josiah Thompson’s book Last Second in Dallas
- David Talbot’s book Brothers to be made into a documentary?
- Brothers: Real History of the Kennedy Years by David Talbot: Paperback, Kindle, Scribd, Audiobook
- Video: CNN Lied About Joe Rogan Admits Dr. Sanjay Gupta (The Jimmy Dore Show)
- Video: Joe Rogan Schools Sanjay Gupta About Natural Immunity (The Jimmy Dore Show)
- Article: Biden Failed to Release a Single JFK Record – What Next? by Mark Adamcyzk
- Part B: Barry Ernest; beginning at 1:02:48
- Author of The Girl on the Stairs: The Search for a Missing Witness: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle
- Barry Ernest is one of the talking heads in the documentary JFK: Revisited
- Barry’s blog: thegirlonthestairs.wordpress.com
- How Barry was approached to take part in the documentary
- Victoria Adams’ story is presented in both the 2-hour and 4-hour versions
- The story of Victoria Adams and what the Warren Commission (WC) did with it
- Was Oswald even on the sixth floor?
- The report of the WC is not supported by the 26 volumes of hearings and exhibits
- Part C: Paul Bleau; beginning at 1:53:23
- “All these documents are yours — the people’s property — you pay for it, but because the government considers
you children who might be too disturbed to face this reality, because you might lynch those involved, you cannot
see these documents for another 75 years. I’m in my 40s, so I’ll have shuffled off this mortal coil by then, but I’m
already telling my 8-year-old son to keep himself physically fit so that one glorious September morning in 2038
he can walk into the National Archives and find out what the CIA and the FBI knew. They may even push it back
then. It may become a generational affair, with questions passed down from father to son, mother to daughter, in
the manner of the ancient runic bards. Someday somewhere, someone might find out the damned Truth. Or we
might just build ourselves a new Government like the Declaration of Independence says we should do when the
old one ain’t working — maybe a little farther out West” – From Oliver Stone’s movie JFK - Paul Bleau is also one of the talking heads in the documentary
- “We do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him,
there are fingerprints of intelligence” – Senator Richard Schweiker, The Village Voice, 1975 - Articles: JFK and the Unforgivable: Part 1, Part 2, Addendum
- Articles: The Three Failed Plots to Kill JFK by Paul: Part 1, Part 2
- All articles by Paul Bleau (at Kennedys and King)
- Whoopi Goldberg and Donald Sutherland narrate the documentary
- Paul’s experience with Oliver Stone
- Articles: Exposing the FPCC by Paul Bleau: Part 1, Part 2
- Part 3 to be posted at Kennedys and King soon
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