#1007 – John Armstrong


  • Part 3 of John Armstrong’s presentation
  • For Part 1 listen to episode 1001b
  • For Part 2 listen to episode 1005
  • John’s new article: Marine Corps and the Soviet Union
  • Oswald’s famous classroom photograph
  • In late 1958 HARVEY assumes LEE Oswald’s identity
  • And the short, heavy-set Marguerite Oswald impostor assumes the identity of the tall, nice-looking Marguerite Oswald
  • Where did Oswald learn Russian?
  • “The Bureau did not consider it feasible to identify and interview military personnel who served with Oswald during 1958”
    FBI teletype to agents on November 27
  • Author Edward Epstein interviewed over 100 marines who knew the tall, husky, LEE Oswald in Japan
  • Epstein’s interviews and historical records were placed in “special collections” at Georgetown University
  • These interviews and records are not available to the public
  • After several inquries the university notified Armstrong that all records had “disappeared”
  • Harvey Oswald at Santa Ana base
  • Harvey Oswald’s interest in the Russian language
  • Richard Case Nagell
  • Marina Oswald and Robert Oswald
  • In the 1970’s CIA finance officer James B Wilcott testified before the HSCA
  • He said that in 1959 he worked out of the covert station in Japan and dispensed unvouchered funds for the “Oswald Project”
  • The Oswald projectwas probably organized and handled by James Angleton